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Symulacja pracy silnika synchronicznego z magnesami trwałymi w trybie osłabiania pola

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Simulation of permanent magnet synchronous motor operation in a field weaking mode
Problemy eksploatacji maszyn i napędów elektrycznych (2003; Ustroń, Polska)
Języki publikacji
This paper applies to AC three- phase permanent magnet synchronous motor operation above its nominal rotor speed. This kind of motor operation may be done by applying control circuit, realizing field weaking of synchronous motor produced by the permanent magnets placed around rotor surface. Nowadays, the two basic solutions are known: - the simplest standard circuit without feedback loop, used as d-axis reference component input, - the circuit containing feedback loop, basing on d-q components where the new d-axis reference input of the i(s) stator current is calculated. This paper presents the flux control circuit solution containing feedback loop and shows full block diagram of the realized control system with a current regulated PWM and histeresis bang-bang controllers. A vector control circuit version with permanent magnet synchronous motor - working in weaking field mode- has been introduced. Mathematical model of the electric machine and simulation test results during both dynamic and steady state of motor in field weaking operation mode has been given. At the end of the article the conclusions has been given, after this circuit operation analysis.
Słowa kluczowe
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Bibliogr. 4 poz., rys.
  • Wydział Telekomunikacji i Elektrotechniki, Instytut Elektrotechniki, Akademia Techniczno-Rolnicza, Bydgoszcz
  • [1]. Bianchi N.: Salient-Rotor PM Synchronous Motors for an Extended Flux - Weaking operation rangę, IEEE transactions on Industry Applications, july /August 2000, Vol.36, Nr 4.
  • [2]. Bakalarczyk J.: Sterowanie silnika asynchronicznego klatkowego przy wykorzystaniu metody orientacji wektora pola, Praca doktorska, PW 1990.
  • [3]. Bakalarczyk J.: Układ sterowania wektorowego z silnikiem synchronicznym, Zeszyty Problemowe 62/2001 „Maszyny Elektryczne", Branżowy Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Maszyn Elektrycznych, Katowice, maj 2001 r.
  • [4]. Mathworks: Matlab-Simulink.
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