Tytuł artykułu
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Textile wear products and their protective properties against ultraviolet radiation
Języki publikacji
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
13 Bibliogr. 23 poz., rys.
- Instytut Włókiennictwa w Łodzi
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- 16. Kaufmann S., Feustel M.: Optical Effects with Novel Synthetic Filament Yarns. Infomationalen Chemifaser Tagung-Dornbirn 13-15 September 2000 r.
- 17. Haeri H-P., Haenzi D., Donze J-J. (CIBA), The Application of Ultraviolet Absorbes for Sun-Protective Fabrics. Infomationalen Chemifaser Tagung- Dom¬bim 13-15 September 2000 r.
- 18. Po Holdstock: Outdoor clothing for protection from ultraviolet radiation. Technical Textiles International, 04.2001, str 7-9.
- 19. AS/NZS 4348: 1996 Sun protective clothing - Evaluation and classification.
- 20. BS 7914: 1998 Method of test for penetration of erythemally weighted solar radiation through clothing fabrics.
- 21. AATCC Test Method 183-1998. Transmittance or Blocking or Erythemally Weighted Ultraviolet Radiation Through Fabrics.
- 22. BS 7949: 1999 Childrens clothing-reguirements for protection against arythe-mally weighted solar ultraviolet radiation.
- 23. EN 13758 Solar UV protective properties - Part 1: Method of test for apparel fabrice & Part 2: Classification and marking of apparel.
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