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Armature reaction inductances of permanent magnet synchronous motor
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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń oraz pomiarów silnika synchronicznego o magnesach trwałych umieszczonych niesymetrycznie wewnątrz wirnika. Zamieszczono wyniki pomiarów indukcyjności w osi d i q zmierzone metodą statyczną. Zbadano wpływ oddziaływania twornika na strumienie sprzężone w osiach d i q. Na podstawie obliczonego rozkładu przestrzennego indukcji magnetycznej w szczelinie (za pomocą metody elementów skończonych) oraz strumieni sprzężonych z uzwojeniami, obliczono indukcyjności oddziaływania twornika w zależności od prądu twornika dla różnych grubości szczelin powietrznych. Na podstawie tak wyznaczonych nieliniowych parametrów schematu zastępczego obliczono charakterystyki eksploatacyjne silnika.
Results of calculations and measurements of armature inductances of a synchronous motor with permanent magnets distributed asymmetrically inside the rotor (Fig.1) have been presented in the paper. The method based on the theory of a two-axis, salient pole synchronous machine and field analysis has been used to analyse the motor properties. Measurements of the armature inductances by static method (at locked rotor) consisting of measurement of current decay in transient state have been carried out for the motor (Fig.2). The measurement results for the inductance L(d) are shown in Fig.3. The programme FEMAG-DC, which uses the finite element method (FEM), has been applied to field calculations. Distributions of the magnetic flux density in the machine (Figs 4÷6) and the flux linkages in d and q axes have been determined. Influence of the armature reaction in both axes on the flux linkages in these axes has been proved (Figs 7,8). The calculations show that the influence of the armature current components I(d) and I(q) on the flux linkages in the q and d axes is of little importance (Figs 7b, 8b) and can be neglected in simplified analysis. The armature reaction inductances as a function of armature current for different thickness of the air gap have been determined (4÷5) basing on the calculated distribution of magnetic flux density in the air gap and the flux linked with the phase windings (Fig.9). According to made measurements and calculations it follows that it is necessary to take into account saturation of the magnetic circuit, hence non-linear dependencies of the inductances upon the armature current components I(d) and I(q) when designing a synchronous motor with permanent magnets distributed asymmetrically inside the rotor. The larger thickness of the air gap the less influence of circuit saturation on the armature reaction inductances. Change of the motor rotational direction does not cause essential changes of the armature reaction inductances, hence motor operating properties despite the asymmetrical magnet circuiot of the rotor. The exemplary characteristic of the motor armature current as a function of the load torque for different thickness of air gaps (Fig.10) and the curve V which shows influence of the supply voltage on the armature current at load changes (Fig.11) have been calculated basing on the predetermined parameters of the motor equivalent circuit. It makes possible to adjust the supply voltage while the armature current is minimal.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 4 poz., rys.
- Katedra Maszyn i Urządzeń Elektrycznych, Politechnika Śląska
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA