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Winogrady 2005 : Polsh-Italian international workshop
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Poznań Faculty of Architecture with the cooperation with Milano University of Technology organized Polish-Italian workshop in summer 2006, that took place in the city of Poznań. The students were to examine the areas of the following housing estates in Poznań: Przyjaźni, Kosmonautów and Pod Lipami. The reason why these topics had been chosen is that architects-teachers believe that kind of areas could be treated as "an experimental rangę" for young students of architecture. The work on real urban tissue, with the existing spatial context and the difficulties this situation generates, helps students to widen their knowledge and teach them to cooperate with the other members of the design groups. This year the following teams took part in the international workshop: Professors: Maciej Janowski, Dominika Pazder, Adam Nadolny, Marina Molon, Eleonora Bersani, Giancarlo Leoni, Umberto Pollazzo; Assistants: Luigi Frazzi, Stefania Manni, Paolo Moretto, Andrea Treu, Laura Bruni, Piętro Messori, Emilano Alberto Righi; and the students: Marcin Nowicki, Magdalena Trocka, Joanna Grześkowiak, Olga Haus-mann, Agnieszka Nowakowska, Anna Ptaszyńska, Magdalena Zając, Alina Zajączkowska, Jakub Stroiński, Maciej Burdalski, Florinda Boschetti, Maria Chiappa, Paolo Delia Porta, Francesca Farrarini, Sabino Rubini, Sergio Savino, Federico Tinti. The activities were planned to be realized on various levels and stages. First stage of design seminary was devoted to the survey of the area. Surprisingly, the condition and archi-tectural image of Winogrady, turned out to be far better than it had been expected. The advantages of the urban plan of long and high blocks of flats surrounded by green, arę em-phasized morę in the comparison with the newly-built (2001) dwellings of TBS (cheap social buildings) and with the group of eight buildings being erected at present along Naramowicka street. One of Italian professors joked that there was really nothing to be im-proved. It is very common for the architects to say 'I would do it better'. Polish and Italian professors and students decided to follow this saying. In the second stage of the workshops, they were to work out the idea of the new master plan so as to correct all the irregularities that had appeared within the years. There was also a lecture presented by Marta Świderska and Ewa Mieloch from Town Planning Office City of Poznań, who gave some comments to the plan of Winogrady that is nów being drawn up. As a result of long-lasting discussions and consultations, three conceptions of the revi-talization of examined area emerged. The students pointed out the need of improying the existing communication system in there, and they also criticized the uncontrolled develop-ment of the area, where the new buildings arę being erected paying no attention to the spatial context and surroundings. There was underlined the ąuestion of the inhabitants of the Winogrady residential area as well: retired and old people on one hand, and a number of students, young couples or singles on the other. According to this, one should expect the need of rearranging existing buildings and create a new ąuality of life in the foreseeable future time. At the end, all the conclusions were gathered to be used during the third, finał stage of the workshop. At that time the task was to find solutions to the important for Winogrady problems. The students formed Polish-Italian groups so as to work together and learn to cooperate. One of these problems was the ąuestion of changing the flat arrangement in the process of combining smaller flats and to mąkę bigger the surface of living, improve its functional-ity and standard. The results were surprising: the forms of the existing blocks of flats with the unchangeable function turned into the interesting structures of high flexibility. There was also very significant to preserve and take best advantage of the existing green areas. The other problem was connected with the huge surfaces of Kaufland and Cas-torama: the students proposed the alterations in the architectural image of these buildings so as to help change the nondescript objects into morę interesting forms. In the end it is needed to add that summer international workshop was really fruitful. In the cooperative work of Polish and Italian students really interesting projects were worked out. That is also to be accentuated, that owing to this workshops, we appreciated the hidden charm of the urban structures like Winogrady. We can discuss their ąuality, character and usefulness, but we must admit that there was a complete and clear idea from the very be-ginning of their creation. The other, also crucial aspect of the workshop, was the opportu-nity for Polish and Italian students and professors to get to know and compare different way of thinking about architecture and design methods. We hope that it was the beginning of long-lasting international cooperation and that in future there will be also such a nice atmosphere during the joint work.
Opis fizyczny
- Katedra Architektury Usługowej i Mieszkaniowej [Politechnika Poznańska]
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