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Rozdzielanie i analiza fosfolipidów
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Different chromatographic methods used for the determination of phospholipids isolated from natural biological membranes have been described. A particular attention is given to the choice of the HPLC technique, and to the separation conditions: stationary phase, composition of mobile phase and detectors.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu literatury na temat izolacji fosfolipidów z błon biologicznych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na wykorzystanie do tego celu techniki HPLC, na warunki rozdziału: fazy stacjonarne, skład faz ruchomych oraz detektory.
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Bibliogr. 92 poz.
- Department of Electrochemistry, Institute of Chemistry, The University of Białystok, 11/4 J. Piłsudskiego Avenue, 15-443 Białystok, Poland
- Department of Analytical Chemistry, Medical University, 15-213 Białystok
- Department of Electrochemistry, Institute of Chemistry, The University of Białystok, 11/4 J. Piłsudskiego Avenue, 15-443 Białystok, Poland
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