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Znaczenie roślin w monitoringu zanieczyszczenia środowiska naturalnego pierwiastkami metalicznymi

Warianty tytułu
The significance of plants for the monitoring of the environmetal contamination by metallic elements
Języki publikacji
In this work, the problems associated with utilizing of plant organisms for the monitoring of the environmental pollution by metallic elements, especially by heavy metals, were presented. After description of the aims of monitoring, basic terms connected with the process of monitoring - bioindicator / biomonitor, bioindication / biomonitoring, were explained, as well as plant organisms, which potentially can be useful in the monitoring, such as moss, lichen, mushrooms and medicinal plants, were characterized. Also the term dendroanalysis and the role of beech and spruce foliage as well as of pine needles and pine tree bark as valuable analytical materials for the determination of level of metal pollutants in air, were described. Hence, the attention was paid on the problem of hyperaccumulation of heavy metals by plants, and the mechanisms of the adaptation of plants to high deposition of elements, were explained.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 47 poz., tab.
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