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Experiments for Verification of the Effectiveness of Smoke Control System in a Typical Subway Station

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Eksperymentalna weryfikacja skuteczności kontroli palenie w typowej stacji kolei podziemnej
Języki publikacji
In order to verify the effectiveness of smoke control system in subway station, a series of hot smoke tests were done on real platform and station hall. The temperature of smoke layer and roof are measured by thermocouple and Infrared Thermograph, and the results showed the maximum temperature of platform and station hall roof can reach to 61.4°Cand 55.7°C. The wind speed on stairs are large enough to make the smoke don’t enter into station hall (on platform test) and platform (on station hall test).There is a blind area on both sides of platform on the process of mechanical exhaust smoke. It is not easy to exhaust when the smoke flow into both side of platform. The smoke can be exhausted when the air vents are set on both side of platform. There is no blind area of smoke exhaust on station hall in test.
Przedstawiono system kontroli palaenia stacji kolei podziemnej. Temperatura mierzona jest czujnikiem termoelektrycznym i przy pomocy termografii podczerwonej. W systemie przewidziano możliwości badania dymu z uwzględnieniem przepływów powietrza.
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Bibliogr. 14 poz., rys., wykr.
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