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A mine personnel and equipment positioning system, based on the ZigBee technology of wireless sensor networks

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Analiza obwodów sterowania i zabezpieczenia ruchu w komunikacji podziemnej
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For the existing security monitoring system runs in the security alarm level and short of positioning and real-time monitoring underground personnel and mobile devices, a mine personnel and equipment positioning system, based on the ZigBee technology of wireless sensor networks, is proposed to make real-time detection and security management to the dynamic distribution of personnel and equipment. The system analyses the position and attendance management to monitor the location information with mobile monitoring equipment, and quickly implement the mine emergency rescue work. This new type of downhole positioning system has the characteristic of low power consumption, high positioning accuracy and strong anti-interference ability.
Zaproponowano sieć czujników bezprzewodowych typu ZigBee do monitorowania w czasie rzeczywistym ruchu komunikacji podziemnej. Układ może służyć w systemach bezpieczeństwa ludzi i pojazdów na terenie kopalni.
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Bibliogr. 9 poz., rys., schem.
  • School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, 411201, China,
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