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Depozycja zanieczyszczeń atmosferycznych i ich wpływ na roztwory glebowe ubogich gleb leśnych

Warianty tytułu
Deposition of atmospheric pollution and its impact on soil water in poor forest soils
Języki publikacji
Badania prowadzono w Stacji Ekologicznej położonej na terenie Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego. Określona wartość depozycji jonów kwasotwórczych przekraczała depozycję w stacjach monitoringowych badania tła zanieczyszczeń.
The study was conducted at the University Ecological Station located in Wielkopolski National Park. The quantity of acid-forming ions deposited with precipitation was higher than the deposition recorded at the lowland stations monitoring background pollution. Detailed information on the composition and changes in soil water affected by acid deposition was compared with the deposition data. The washout of available nutrients from the topsoil may cause an irreversible loss of nutrients from the ecosystem. The low values of the stress parameter (Ca/Al) are indicative of a risk of acidification-related forest damage. The NO3 concentration in the C horizon was always very low, which indicates that all major processes in nitrogen mobilization occurred in the upper part of the soil profile. The high concentrations of ammonium ions in the deposition and in soil water could cause eutrophication and acidification.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 38 poz., wykr.
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