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Environmental degradation of advanced fibre hybrid composites

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Water absorption, water-induced degradation of flexural properties and failure mechanisms were investigated in hybrid aramid-glass fibre-reinforced/epoxy 4 ply laminates. After extended periods of service, significant water absorbtion (ca. 3,5 wt%) resulted in deterioration of flexural strength by ca 20% and of the interlaminar shear strength by ca. 30%. Following water immersion, under flexural loading aramid-glass fibre reinforced/epoxy composites failed by aramid fibre buckling and fibre/matrix interfacial damage propagation, whereas the principal failure mechanisms in glass fibre composites are single or multiple ply and fibre fractures. Plots showing changes in stress regimes responsible for damage development in dry/wet specimens, failure maps of stress versus % water/failure mechanism, are presented.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys.
  • Gdańsk University of Technology, Mechanical Faculty, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Gdańsk, Poland
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