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The removal of phenol from aqueous solution was studied. In this case, the separation process consisting in the vacuum pervaporation and pervaporation with inert phase (gas, water) was applied. Standard pervaporation cell (Sulzer) with modified cooling zone was used. A hydrophobic membrane PDMS (Pervatech) was applied as a separating barrier. An influence of the phenol concentration in feed on its permeate flux values and the water permeate flux values in vacuum pervaporation was studied. A linear relation between the phenol permeate flux and its concentration in the feed was observed. The fluxes of penetrants dependent on the feed temperature and the pressure applied or air flow in the permeate zone were determined. On the basis of these data the selectivity coefficients were calculaed. An increase in the temperature intensifies the separation process in each option of the pervaporation process. It was observed that the selectivity and the fluxes in the vacuum pervaporation are several times higher than in pervaporation with the inert phase.
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Bibliogr. 3 poz., rys.
- Wrocław University of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Norwida 4/6, 50-373 Wrocław, Poland
- Wrocław University of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Norwida 4/6, 50-373 Wrocław, Poland
- Wrocław University of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Norwida 4/6, 50-373 Wrocław, Poland
- Wrocław University of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Norwida 4/6, 50-373 Wrocław, Poland
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