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Global Account Management - program implementation and organisational structure of GAM
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W odpowiedzi na globalizację rynków i rosnące wymagania związane z nasilającą się konkurencją, od kilkunastu lat międzynarodowe koncerny wdrażają tzw. zarządzanie klientem globalnym (global account management, GAM). Patrząc z perspektywy całości procesów w firmie, GAM to podejście do zarządzania marketingiem zorientowane na relacje i skoncentrowane na zaspokajaniu potrzeb ważnego klienta globalnego na rynku B2B. Z kolei zgodnie z innym ujęciem, o charakterze operacyjnym, GAM to nowa forma organizacyjna w ramach wielonarodowej/globalnej organizacji dostawcy stosowana w celu koordynowania i integrowania w skali światowej obsługi klienta poprzez centralnie zarządzany zespół. Taka forma organizacyjna ma za zadanie zapewnić bardziej efektywną obsługę wielkich i złożonych klientów operujących w skali globalnej. Firma BOSCH Automotive Technology, od dawna będąca graczem globalnym i stosująca strategię globalnego zarządzania klientem, wraz z początkiem roku 2007 oficjalnie wprowadziła GAM (zwany w firmie GKAM) rozumiany zarówno jako strategia jak i wspierająca ją nowa struktura globalnej organizacji sprzedaży i marketingu firmy.
Global Account Management (GAM) is the new frontier in relationship marketing concentrating on the needs of global customers. GAM stands also for new organisational structure implemented by comapnies acting worldwide, in order to coordinate and integrate their international customer service. There are many reasons for global suppliers to implement GAM. One of them is the need to better understand the globally acting customers and be able to improve one's own services on the global base. Another reason is the need to coordinate worldwide sales activities and integrate global communication processes to improve the cooperation with customers. The aim of GAM implementation is to create a strong longterm relationship between supplier and customer, based on trust and commitment. This should lead to mutual satisfaction and profits. The implementation process of GAM can be divided into many different phases. In the first phase the potential key customer (account) is being identified and acquired by the supplier company. The last one, called partnership GAM, is the most advanced stage of cooperation. Business partners become strategic resource for each another and experience mutual profits. One of the global companies which has already implemented GAM is BOSCH Automotive Technology. The reason for implementing GAM at BOSCH were needs of its top global customers - original equipment manufacturers, which have implemented global purchasing systems. BOSCH has had to align to their global processes and structures to stay competitive. The organisational structure and global processes at BOSCH Automotive Technology had some weak points, which all should be removed or improved thank to GAM implemetation - global coordinated processes of sales and marketing als well an the new global structure supporting professional unified customer services all over the world. The main reasons for implementing GAM at BOSCH Automotive Technology were creating "the single point of contact" for every account, coordinating global offers and global technology standards, harmonising the price policy, unifying e-business tools and activities, and standarizing terms and conditions. The new GAM organisational structure should enable global coordination of responsibilities and tasks. It should cover the whole global customer structure and support unified communication. GAM implementation at BOSCH Automotive Technology has started at the begining of 2007. By 2007 the company had already achieved the middle-advanced stage of global account management. By formal implementation of the GAM program and new organisational structure, the most advanced stage of GAM is aimed.
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