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Some remarks on Burzyński's failure criterion for anisotropic materials

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Some misstatements appearing in the final form of the failure criterion formulation, derived from Burzyński’s hypothesis of material effort for anisotropic bodies, which haven’t beennoticed in the literature as yet, are pointed out and discussed. Alternative interpretations of the results obtained by Burzyński are presented. Propositions of different formulation of the failure criterion, basing on original ideas of Burzyński, are given.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 11 poz., rys., wykr.
  • AGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Department of the Strength and Fatigue of Materials and Structures, Kraków, Poland
  • 1. W. Burzyński, Studium nad hipotezami wytężenia, Akademia Nauk Technicznych, Lwów 1928; see also: Selected passages from Włodzimierz Burzyński’s doctoral dissertation “Study on material effort hypotheses”, Eng. Trans., 57, 3–4, 185–215, 2009.
  • 2. M. T. Huber, Właściwa praca odkształcenia jako miara wytężenia materyału, Czasopismo Techniczne, 15, Lwów, 1904; see also: Specific work of strain as a measure of material effort, Arch. Mech., 56, 3, 173–190, 2004.
  • 3. D. C. Drucker, W. Prager, Soil mechanics and plastic analysis for limit design, Quart Appl. Mat., 10, 2, 157-–165, 1952.
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  • 5. R. Hill, A theory of the yielding and plastic flow of anisotropic metals, Proc. Roy Soc. London, 193, 281–297, 1948.
  • 6. O. Hoffman, The brittle strength of orthotropic materials, J. Comp. Mater., 1, 200–206, 1967.
  • 7. K. Kowalczyk–Gajewska, J. Ostrowska–Maciejewska, The influence of internal restrictions on the elastic properties of anisotropic materials, Arch. Mech., 56, 3, 205– 232, 2004.
  • 8. R. B. Pęcherski, P. Szeptyński, M. Nowak, An extension of Burzyński hypothesis of material effort accounting for the third invariant of stress tensor, Arch. Metall. Mat., 56, 2, 503–508, 2011.
  • 9. J. Ostrowska–Maciejewska, R. B. Pęcherski, P. Szeptyński, Limit condition for anisotropic materials with asymmetric elastic range, Engng. Trans. – submitted for publication.
  • 10. P. S. Theocaris, Failure criteria for transtropic, pressure dependent materials, Rheol. Acta, 27, 451–465, 1988.
  • 11. J. Rychlewski, A qualitative approach to Hooke’s tensors. Part II, Arch. Mech., 53, 1, 45–63, 2001.
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