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The aim of the paper was identification of force-time characteristics of ground reaction forces exerted during take-off and landing phases in the six typical acrobatic elements. The tests of a pilot study character were carried out on two professional athletes aged 17 and I8. The levels of such parameters characterizing dynamic loads and overloads of examined movement structures as: maximal and average values of vertical ground reaction forces, total time of support phases, time necessary for generation of maximal force, force buildup indexes as well as force impulses were calculated. The results obtained suggest that dynamic overloads are serious and of traumatic character.
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Bibliogr.12 poz., tab., wykr.
- University School of Physical Education, Park Wilsona, 60-775 Poznań
- Laboratory of Biomechanics, USPE in Poznań
- Chair of Gymnastics, USPE in Poznań
- University School of Physical Education, Park Wilsona, 60-775 Poznań
- University School of Physical Education, Park Wilsona, 60-775 Poznań
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