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Equilibrium of thermodynamical reduction of strontium sulphate gaseous phase (CO+CO2).

XVIth Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Conference on Advanced Materials and Technologies AMT'2001, Gdańsk-Jurata, 16-20 September 2001
Języki publikacji
Ze względu na szerokie zastosowanie węglanu strontu w takich dziedzinach przemysłu jak elektronika, pirotechnika czy metalurgia podjęto próbę znalezienia nowej metody przejścia kopalnego minerału strontu - celestynu w mający zastosowanie w przemyśle węglan strontu. Zaproponowano metodę polegającą na przepuszczaniu mieszaniny gazów (CO + CO2) w wysokich, pod względem termodynamicznym, temperaturach nad siarczanem strontu. W tekście referatu scharakteryzowano reakcje chemiczne zachodzące podczas tego procesu.
Because of wide use of carbonate and oxide of strontium in such spheres of industry as electronics, pyrotechnics or metallurgy undertook attempt of finding new methods of passage changing mineral of strontium - celestite, containing SrSO4, in which can be used in industry carbonate of strontium. One proposed method relying on letting pass mixtures of gases (CO+CO2) in high temperatures over sulphate of strontium. In this text of report one characterized processes being able to take place during experiment. Thermodynamically analysis of the process one executed at utilization of Kellog's proposal of investigation of the reaction' equilibrium.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr., 5 poz., tab., rys.
  • University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland
  • University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland
  • University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland
  • University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland
  • Cinvestav, Saltillo, Mexico
  • University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland
  • [1] Mendez Nonell J: Thermodynamics and kinetics of the process between strontium sulphate and and gasous phase( CO, CO2), doctoral thesis, AGH 1993.
  • [2] Kubaschewski A., Alcock C. B.: Metallurgical Thermochemistry: 5th ed. Pergamon Press, Oxford 1979
  • [3] Sukiennik M., Mendez J., Torres J.: Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of SrSO4 in CO and CO2 atmosphere. Procc XV World Mining Congress, Madrid, May 1992.
  • [4] Husk J., Steindor J., Nowakowski J., Fitzner J.: Kinetics of SrSO4 reduction with CO, Thermochemica Acta, 138, 1989.
  • [5] Kellogg H. H.: Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, vol. 230, 1964.
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