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3D models of polycrystals.

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XV Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Conference on Advanced Materials & Technologies AMT'98, Kraków-Krynica, Poland, 17-21 May, 1998
Języki publikacji
The 3D computer simulated models of homogenous as well as of inhomogenous microstructure of one phase polycrystalline materials are presented. The models were applied for: verification of correctness of polycrystalline materials models existing in theory of materials properties, assessment of precision and versatility of hitherto used methods for the determination of grains and particles volume distribution as well as for estimation of other stereological parameters and searching for new relations between parameters of plain and spatial materials microstructure. It was shown that the method ensuring the required versatility and accuracy of grain size evaluation at acceptable cost and labor consumption had not been worked out yet. The relationships between mean plane section area of grains and mean grain volume as well as between coefficient of variation of grains plane section area and coefficient of variation of grain volume are presented. They may be the basis of the simple method for the determination of parameters of grain volume distribution.
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Bibliogr. 22 poz., rys.
  • Department of Materials Science, Silesian University of Technology Katowice, Poland
  • Department of Materials Science, Silesian University of Technology Katowice, Poland
  • Department of Materials Science, Silesian University of Technology Katowice, Poland
  • Silesian University of Technology, Department of Materials Science, Katowice
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