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XV Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Conference on Advanced Materials & Technologies, AMT'98, Kraków-Krynica 17-21May 1998, Poland
Języki publikacji
A constitutive model of cyclic plasticity for annealed steel, which exhibits a sharp yield-point and the subsequent abrupt yield-drop in its stress-strain curve of uniaxial tension, is proposed. The model has been derived on the premise that the yield-drop phenomenon is a consequence of rapid dislocation multiplication and the stress-dependence of dislocation velocity. Cyclic deformation characteristics such as the Bauschinger effect, cyclic softening and rate-dependent ratchetting are described in the model by the rule of combined kinematic and isotropic hardening of the yield surface. The stress-strain responses for a mild steel during cyclic straining and stressing (ratchetting) calculated with the model agree well with the corresponding experimental observations on a mild steel.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 27 poz., rys.
- Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
- Hiroshima University, Faculty of Engineering
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