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Ecological land classification and mapping based on vegetation-environment hierarchical analysis - a case study of Buldan forest district (Turkey)

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Distinction of the geographic areas intended for hierarchical sequence of vegetation classes involves the hierarchical classification of ecosystems. In this context, it is essential to determine the effective environmental characteristics at each hierarchical level of vegetation distinction. The study was carried out in order to classify and hierarchical mapping the Buldan forest district (area 190,000 km2, altitude 400-1400 m a.s.l. covered in 40% with Mediterranean pine and oak forest, in 60% - by arable and pasture land). 56 sample plots (20 m x 20 m) were taken. At each sample plot, environmental characteristics (56 variables) and vascular plant species (108 species in total) were recorded. The relationships between environmental variables and the distribution of plants (presence/absence) were investigated by two hierarchical approaches for both of floristic data matrix and environment matrix by using cluster analysis, stepwise discriminate analysis and chi square test. Interepecific correlation analysis was also applied to determine the indicator species at each level of divisions. Two subdistricts were distinguised: Ortakci-Cagir subdistrict (characteristic species association with Pinus brutia, Pistacia terebinthus, Nerium oleander, Ficus carica, Olea europea) and Suleymanli subdistrict (species association with Pinus nigra, Cistus laurifolius, Prunus divarcata and Rosa canina). Two sections in Suleymanli subdistrict were distinguished: Kocaalan section with characteristic association of Pinus nigra, Cistus laurifolius, Drypteris pallida and Ericek section - characterized with an association of Creategus monogina, Astragalus sp. and Pistacia terebintus. The altitude was the fundamental variable affecting on site classification at the level of subdistrict. Longitude was the most important variable affecting on discrimination of the sections of Suleymanli subdistrict. This local study offers a model including statistical processes which can be applied to the other forest areas for large scale classification of vegetation and environmental relations. Application of this model based on hierarchical classification of ecosystem units is also important for estimation of the changes of natural vegetation in ecosystems in the future due to global climatic change.
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