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Effect of young midfield shelterbelts development on species richness of macrofungi communities and their functional structure

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The aim of the study was to recognize features characterizing development of macrofungi communities occurring in afforestations planted in crop fields and to evaluate the role of these habitats in conservation of macrofungi and preserve high species richness. The study was carried out in 1998-2006 and covered four shelterbelts (planted in 1993-1996) located in the area of the Dezydery Chłapowski Landscape Park (western part of Poland). The shelterbelts were colonized by macrofungi just after planting. During first years of their growth a total of 174 species were recorded. Species composition changed significantly between initial (1998-2000) and final (2004-2006) period of study. Similarity of macrofungi communities (expressed as the Sorensen's index) between these two periods in studied shelterbelts ranged between 37 and 46%. In spite of high similarity in tree species composition between studied afforestations (69-80%), the communities of macrofungi differed strongly between these sampling plots (Sorensen's index was equal to about 40%). Pattern of changes in percentage share of functional groups, i.e. parasitic, mycorrhizal and saprotrophs (humicolous, lignicolous, litterinhibiting and muscicolous ones) in individual afforestations was different but the diversity of the communities measured with the Shannon-Weaver H' index on the basis of share of functional groups tended to increase with ageing of afforestations. On average, the share of fungi growing on soil (ectomycorrhizal and humicolous saprotrophic species) was highest among all distinguished groups. Species composition of particular functional group was changing during the study period. A species representing new groups (lignicolous saprotrophs and parasites) were appearing in some shelterbelts in successive years. There were recorded some species rare in Poland, eg. Psilocybe (Stropharia) melanosperma (Bull. ex Pers.: Fr.) Noordel., Clavariadelphus fistulosus (Holmsk.: Fr.) Corner, Thelephora caryophyllea (Schaeff): Fr., Agrocybe arvalis (Fr.) Singer, Galerina clavata (Velen.) Kuhner, Lachnella alboviolascens (Alb. & Schwein.: Fr.) Fr., Macrocystidia cucumis f. minor Joss, Mycena amicta (Fr.) Quel., Psilocybe (Stropharia) inuncta (Fr.: Fr.) Noordel., Trichophaea gregaria (Rehm) Boud. and Typhula filata (Pers.) Herter. Occurrence of rare and threatened species in young shelterbelts indicates that such afforestations, planted in crop fields but not treated by agricultural practices, contribute to the protection of species richness of macrofungi associated with tree communities and they are important substitute habitats for many species.
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