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Morphology and taxonomy of Late Badenian to Sarmatian Mohrensternia (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) of the Central Paratethys

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The protoconch and teleoconch morphology of the Late Badenian and Sarmatian species of the genus Mohrensternia of the Central Paratethys are described and illustrated. Eight species of the genus are considered valid: Mohrensternia inflata (HÖRNES, 1856), M. sarmatica (FRIEDBERG, 1923), M. pseudinflata (HILBER, 1897), M. perinflata (FRIEDBERG, 1923), M. angulata (EICHWALD, 1830), M. pseudangulata (HILBER, 1897), M. banatica (JEKELIUS, 1944), and M. friedbergi sp. nov. A lectotype is designated forRissoa angulata (EICHWALD, 1830), the type species of Mohrensternia (STOLICZKA, 1868). The type material of all species introduced by (W. FRIEDBERG, 1923) is revised and lectotypes are designated for M. sarmatica, M. pseudosarmatica and M. perinflata.
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Bibliogr. 40 poz., rys.
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