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Importance of midfield shelterbelts for over-wintering entomofauna (Turew area, West Poland)

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The studies on the role of recently established shelterbelts as refuges available for wintering insects were carried out in the years 1994-2002. Soil and litter samples were taken (the material being sorted manually) from five young (up to 7 years old) and two older midfield shelterbelts, from the ecotone zones and from the adjacent croplands. A high numbers (250-400) ind. m^-2) of insects, which biomass varied between 950 and 2300 mg dry wt. m^-2, were found to overwinter in young (4-7 years old) shelterbelts. The insects formed communities (dominated by Coleoptera) represented by over 50 families. Effects of the shelterbelt's age, the presence or absence of litter, specific composition of trees and the location of sampling plots within the shelterbelt on winteringinsects are discussed.
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Bibliogr. 23 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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