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On the tensor analysis or on the covariant differentiation
Języki publikacji
This paper outlines the origin of the notion of the covariant derivative of the tensor field. What has been particularly emphasised are the conditions and causes of the fact that the notion "the ordinary R3 derivative" has become inadequate, since it does not produce a tensor nor its field. The work has been based on original sources, as well as on references which give a currrent view on the question. What has been taken into consideration is the lack of equivalence between covariant and contravariant representations of a vector, with reference to the problem of the derivative of the vector field.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 9 poz., wz., rys.
- Samodzielny Zakład Podstaw Konstrukcji Budowli Wodnych, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, Politechnika Krakowska
- [1] T. Levi-Civita, The absolute differential calculus (Calculus of Tensors), Blackie and son limited, London and Glasgow, First published 1926, Reprinted 1929, 1946, 1947.
- [2] Z. Kordecki, Wektory i tenory, Czasopismo Techniczne z. 5-B/2000, Wyd. Polit. Krak., Kraków 2000.
- [3] E. Karaśkiewicz, Zarys teorii wektorów i tensorów, PWN, Warszawa 1975.
- [4] S. Gołąb, Rachunek tensorowy, PWN, Warszawa 1966.
- [5] T. Frankel, The Geometry of Physics, An introduction, Cambridge University Press 1997.
- [6] H. Weyl, Raum-Zeit-Materie, Springer-Verlag, Siebente auflage 1988.
- [7] L. Brillouin, Les tenseurs en mécanique et en elasticité (wyd. II), Paris 1960.
- [8] A. Pais, Pan Bóg jest wyrafinowany... Nauka i życie Alberta Einsteina, Prószyński i s-ka, Warszawa 2001.
- [9] L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifszyc, Teoria pola, PWN, Warszawa 1980.
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