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Modelling of physical phenomena in supercritical two-phase steam injector

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The paper considers problems specific to physical description and modelling of two-phase flow in supercritical steam injector. Flow patterns, condensation and a shock wave are discussed. The model of annular flow for the mixing chamber is proposed and used to determine scaling criteria. Thereafter average heat exchange coefficient in the mixing chamber is evaluated from correlation of experimental data. A model based on the concept of macroscopic viscosity, describing the wave is also presented.
  • The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Fiszera 14, 80-931 Gdańsk, Poland
  • The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Fiszera 14, 80-931 Gdańsk, Poland
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