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From March 1997 to March 1998 the photosynthesis (PhS) and respiration of seston (Rs) and bacteria fraction (Rb) in the water of the Upper Vistula River on the section from 10.9 to 336.7 km of the river course were investigated. Methods applied: PhS - light and dark bottles, Rs - dark bottles, Rb - respiration of bacterial fraction, which was isolated by water filtration. The smallest mean yearly value of PhS (2.1-8.6 J dm^-3 24 h^-1) was found at 10.9 - 36.6 km of the river course and the greatest ones (40.4-42.7 J dm^-3 24 h^-1) at 248.2-336.7 km, in accordance with the size of the river. Rs was the smallest (23.9-28.7 J dm^-3 24 h^-1) between 10.9-45.7 km of the river course (on the rather clean sector) and decisively greater 51.6 J dm^-3 24 h^-1) at 115.6 km, at the most polluted sites. Along longitudinal profile of the Upper Vistula River Rb was equalized and ranged from 20.7 24.1 J dm^-3 24 h^-1, with the exception at 10.9 (spring clean part of the river, poor in seston) and 336.7 km of the river course, where it was 10-20% smaller. The last value might indicated the presence of organic matter easily avaiable to bacteria at this site. Rb constituted from 45 to 78% of seston Rs with the minimal value at 115.6 km of the river course (the most polluted) and its maximal participation at 10.9 km - clean part of the river, rather poor in seston.
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Tab., wykr.,Bibliogr. 33 poz.,
- Karol Starmach Institute of Freshwater Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, str. Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Cracow, Poland
- Karol Starmach Institute of Freshwater Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, str. Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Cracow, Poland
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