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Upper Vistula River : response of aquatic communities to pollution and impoundment. 1, Problem, outline of research and study area

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The main disturbancies in hydrological and chemical features of the Upper Vistula River were discussed as well as geological structure and soils of its drainage basin. Examined section of the river is 337 km long. Catchment area of 28 000 km^2 inhabited by 50 to 800 residents km ^-2. Three main problems concerning the river were considered: salinity, pollution and water management. Between 89 and 95 km the river obtaines salty water from coal mines and down the 95 km of the river - huge load of pollution by the Przemsza River. The inflow supplying 91% of Vistulian flow at this point. This unusual proportion is caused by far transfer of drinking water from submontainous part of the Vistula or its tributaries. Polluted water comes back to the river by Przemsz River. Vistula had here too much of suspension, phosphorus, nitrite and ammonia, and sometimes zinc. Water quality between 90 and 170 km was useless for cyprinid fishes according to EeC directive. Vistula River abnd its affluents flow through holocenic river terrances - covered with alluvial and fluvioglacial deposits. In the region of Cracow there are small areas of upper Jurassic origin (marls and lime) and from the Cretaceous period. Holocenic terrace of the river is covered by alluvial soils. On the left bank, between the Przemsza and Nida rivers, there are large areas of loesses. Investigations were carried out in the period between 3rd March 1997 and March 4th 1998. Also the present state of investigations of the Vistula River is discussed. In 1997 in the period from 7th to 15th of July extreme and disastrous flood in the Vistula occurred. Flows, which usually in Cracow (on 165 km) provide 50 to 100 m^3 s^-1, grew up to 1430 m^3 s^-1 and during the culmination of wave up to 2400 m^3 s^-1.
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Bibliogr. 36 poz.,
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