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Stan zasobów wód powierzchniowych na obszarze Leśnego Kompleksu Promocyjnego (LKP) Lasy Puszczy Kozienickiej oraz sposoby pokrycia występujących niedoborów wody

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The state of surface water resources on the Forest Promotion Area - the Puszcza Kozienicka Forest - and ways for covering water deficits
Języki publikacji
The article is devoted to an analysis of surface water resources on the Forest Promotion Area (LKP) - the Puszcza Kozienicka Forest - and of forest sites occurring there, as well as of the character of their moisture. On that background there was a concept presented for potentials of increasing water resources through development of technical facilities of small retention. The research area covers several river catchments, among which a hydrological research is carried out since 1962 only on the Zagożdżonka stream in its upper part, in a catchment of area A = 82.4 km2 (Fig. 1). The results of that research are as follows: - The precipitation feeding (P) is 613 mm on the annual average, and it schows decreasing trends during the research period, this trend being not significant statistically. The similar phenomenon is observed in the country scale. - The runoff (H) is 112 mm on the annual average, and it also shows decreasing trends. The reasons of this state of things lie in the character of the precipitation feeding, and in anthropological factors as well. - Average runoffs per unit (SSq) are 3.74 l/skm2. This figure find its confirmation in an elaboration made for Poland (Stachy 1987), where average runoffs per unit in the region under study were below 4.0 l/skm2, and they were distincly lower than the country average equal to 5.2 l/skm2. The abovesaid proves that the Zagożdżonka stream catchment up to the Płachty Stare profile is representative for the Forest Promotion Area under study. The analysis of forest site moisture character shows a domination of fresh and dry sites, covering 85% of the LKP area. These data prove that water resources of the LKP Puszcza Kozienicka forest should be treated as poor ones. An increase of water resources could be reached through protection and restoration of potential places of their occurrence: non-runoff areas, throughflow areas with natural and artificial water eyes and through adaptation of amelioration systems. The technical solutions (Stanke and Chabiera 1996) proposed up today must be verified. Those objects should be of a pro-ecological character, not only in view of materials used, technology, and utilisation, but also of exploitation rules and well. A proposal is put to organise a monitoring system for possible control of water resources, of the condition of technical facilities and of their impact on the environment.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 8 poz., tab., wykr., il.
  • Katedra Inżynierii Wodnej i Rekultywacji Środowiska SGGW, Warszawa
  • Zakład Siedliskoznawstwa, Pracownia Gospodarki Wodnej, Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Warszawa
  • Katedra Inżynierii Wodnej i Rekultywacji Środowiska SGGW, Warszawa
  • Katedra Inżynierii Wodnej i Rekultywacji Środowiska SGGW, Warszawa
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