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Effect of acidification of feeding in gruppy fish (Lebistes reticulatus vel Poecilia reticulata)

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The response of four categories of the fish Lebistes reticulatus (young fishes, females with embryos and without embryos, and males) to 24-h exposure in stream waters that differed in pH: water I, pH = 6.01-6.25, water II, pH = 4.36-4.55, and water III, pH = 4.11-4.39 was examined. Tap water - water 0 (pH = 7.54-8.26) was considered as control. In strongly acidified water, the metabolosm of L. reticulatus was modified. Mainly proteins were digested, and lipids were cumulated in faeces, increasing their energy content by 4-36% per mg dry weight as compared with the energy content of food. The excretion of ammonium considerably increased, implying that the oxidisation of proteins increased in the process of respiration. Oxygen consumption increased with acidification only in young fishes.
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Tab., wykr.,Bibliogr. 30 poz.,
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