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Trappability of Clethrionomys glareolus and Apodemus flavicollis inhabiting Crabapple Island, Masurian Lakeland, Poland

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Populations of two rodent species were studied during 1996-1998 on a 4-ha island covered with a mixed forest. Population sizes varied within and between years. In total, the material consisted of 10 839 captures of 1925 bank volesand 2941 captures of 881 yellow-necked mice. The redonts were categorised as immature males, mature males, immature females, mature non-pregnant females, and mature pregnant females. It has been found that the weather did not influence trappability (measured as the reciprocal of the mean time that elapsed between successive captures of a bank vole or a yellow-necked mouse. The trappability of different categories of individuals was related to the social systems of the two species. This is indicated by the dependence of the trappability of all categories of individuals on the population size (it was lowest at the highest population numbers), and also by the dependence of trappability on body weight (positive in male voles and negative in male mice). The trappability of immature females and mature males of the bank vole increased with increasing home range size, whereas in other categories of individuals, like in all categories of the yellow-necked mouse individuals, an increase in home range size was not accompanied by changes in trappability. Thus, there is no trappability typical of the whole order of rodents; it should always be related to the species and to the character of its social system.
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Bibliogr. 65 poz., tab., wykr.
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