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Long-term changes in mollusc communities in shallow biotopes of a lowland reservoir (Zegrzyński Reservoir, central Poland)

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Studies on species composition, dominance pattern and abundance of bottom molluscan fauna were conducted in 1980-1981 and 1995 in shallow biotopes of a lowland reservoir and mouth sections of inflowing rivers. In comparison with early 80-ties, number of mollusc species and species diversity decreased. Dominance of Viviparus viviparus and Dreissena polymorpha continued, whereas a share of Sphareiidae (except S. rivicola) in mollusc abundance decreased. After an increase in mollusc abundance observed till the end of 80-ties, a declining tendency was found(less distinct in the case of biomass). Progressive eutrophication of the reservoir is likely to be the main reason of the changes.
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Bibliogr. 58 poz., tab., wykr.
  • Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Agricultural Pedagogical University in Siedlce, ul.B.Prusa 12, 08-ll0 Siedlce, Poland
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