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Bibliogr. 11 poz.,
- Institute of Ecology, PAS, 05-092 Łomianki, Dziekanów Leśny, Poland
- Department of Conservation Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-75- 07 Uppsala, Sweden
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- 4. Flowerdew J.R., Gurnell J., Gipps J.H.W. (Eds.) 1985 - The ecology if woodland rodents, bank voles and wood mice - Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond., 55.
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- 6. Krebs C.J. 1993 - Are lemmings large Microtus or small reindeer? A review of lemming cycles after 25 years and recommendations for future work (In: The biology of lemmings Eds. Stenseth N.C., Ims R.A.) - London, Academic Press, 247-260.
- 7. Petrusewicz K. (Ed.) 1983 - Ecology of the bank vole - Acta Theriol., 28, Suppl. 1.
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- 9. Stenseth N.C. (Ed.) 1985 - Clethrionomys biology: Population dynamics, dispersal, reproduction and social structure - Ann. Zool. Fenn., 22: 205-395.
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- 11. Yoccoz N.G, Mesnager S. 1998 - Are alpine bank voles larger and more dimorphic because adults survive better? - Oikos, 82:85-98.
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