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Adaptive packet scheduling for requests delay guaranties in packet-switched computer communication network

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In this paper, the problem of packet scheduling in the node of packet-switched computer communication network is considered. Packet scheduling in the network edge nodes is one of the crucial mechanisms essential for delivery of required level of quality of end-to-end network services (QoS). In order to satisfy QoS guaranties for each incoming request belonging to one of the distinguished traffic classes, packet scheduling algorithm must make decisions based on current state of the scheduling system (e.g., buffer lengths) and actual characteristics of the serviced traffic (e.g., lengths of connections following requests, packet intensities within requests, etc.). The paper proposes a new packet scheduling algorithm based on Weighted Round Robin (WRR), whose weights are adapted according to changes of network's load and traffic characteristics. By means of computer simulation, on representative examples, it was shown that utilization of additional knowledge about incoming traffic in the process of packet scheduling may improve QoS guaranties for serviced traffic.
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Bibliogr. 12 poz., rys., tab, wykr.
  • Institute of Computer Science, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland,
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