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Active faulting and deformation of quaternary landform Sub-Himalaya, India

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Landforms developed across terrain defining boundary the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) have imprints of recent tectonic activity. Depositional landforms such as colluvial fan bear signatures of later phases of tectonic activity in the form of faulting of colluvial fan deposits and development of fault scarps. Tectonic geomorphology applied to the MBT zone suggests recent subsurface activity along the MBT and its splay thrusts. Present day tectonic activity of MBT is indicated by ground creeping, thrusting of Lower Siwalik rocks over recent colluvial fan deposit, aligning of series of lakes along splay faults and laterally along a fault, deflected streams, fault scarps and waterfalls. In the present paper we are addressing the tectonic situation in the foothill region of southeastern Kumaun Sub-Himalaya, India based on detailed field work carried out in the region which brought forward some outstanding morphotectonic evidence of neotectonic activities in the MBT zone.
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