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Pomiar oczekiwanej i postrzeganej jakości w usługach medycznych

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The measurement of expected and perceived quality of medical services
Języki publikacji
However, it is worth noticing that the creation of quality in the health service department is much more complex task than in case of material goods because during the whole process of providing medical services, a patient's behaviour and feelings also affect on the perception of quality of medical service being provided. Thus, medical institutions should conduct research and analysis of factors, which are perceived by the patients in order to identify and improve those factors which are, assessed the worst by the patients. In order to possess patients' satisfaction, defying parameters of medical service inside medical institutions can be beneficial as their provision at the adequate level may help in growth of patients' satisfaction. This publication presents the results of author's survey regarding medical services conducted in a model clinic in Katowice. The Servqual questionnaire, which was adequately adapted to the specificity of researched areas but at the same time, preserved its classic system of five areas: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy were a research tool. As a consequence of research which was conducted by means of statistic tools for its analysis, the assessment of clinic's functioning as well as defying of patients' needs within the scope of individual aspects of medical service have been conducted.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 30 poz.
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