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The chromatographic properties and mass spectra of several synthetic nitro and aza steroids have been examined. Reversed-phase chromatography was performed with methanol, acetonitrile, or mixtures of these with aqueous phosphate buffer as mobile phases. The relationship between calculated lipophilicity and chromatographic capacity factors of the solutes was evaluated. Mass spectra were studied using soft ionization techniques. Calculated lipophilicity was a linear function of retention when methanol and methanol–phosphate buffer were used as mobile phases but not when acetonitrile and acetonitrile–phosphate buffer were used. It did not seem possible to detect intramolecular hydrogen-bond formation by use of chromatographic retention factors. Intramolecular hydrogen-bond formation affected the mass spectra, suggesting it affected the stability of the molecular ions.
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Bibliogr. 15 poz., rys., tab.
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