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Checklist and annotated bibliography of Recent Foraminiferida from the German Baltic Sea coast

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5th Micropalaeontological Workshop MIKRO-2005 (8-10.06.2005, Szymbark, Poland)
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There are 96 Recent foraminiferal species reported from the German sector of the Baltic Sea. All are benthic taxa. Most species are agglutinated forms, reflecting the brackish water conditions of the southern Baltic Sea. Decreasing diversity is visible following the salinity gradient along the coast from the west to the east. The associations of the deeper water below the halocline and of shallow water above are very different with higher diversity in the deeper water. A complete species list and annotated bibliography for Recent foraminiferal species from the brackish water of the German Baltic Sea coast are presented.
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Bibliogr. 66 poz, rys., tab.
  • Marine Biology, University of Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Str. 3, D-18059 Rostock, Germany
  • Marine Biology, University of Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Str. 3, D-18059 Rostock, Germany
  • Institute of Paleontology, University of Bonn, Nussallee 8, D-53115 Bonn, Germany
  • [1]. The following bibliography includes the selected annotated references from our text as well as all papers published on Recent Foraminiferida from the German sector of the Baltic Sea.
  • [2]. Bartholdy, J., Leipe, T., Frenzel, P., Tauber, F. & Bahlo, R., 2005. High resolution Single Partcile Analysis: A new tool to investigate the mineral composition of agglutinated foraminifera. Studia Geologica Polonica, 124: 53-65, 1 fig., 5 tabs, 1 pl; Kraków. [N. dentaliniformis from the Mecklenburg Bight, wall analysis]
  • [3]. Brodniewicz, I., 1965. Recent and some Holocene Foraminifera of the southern Baltic Sea. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 10 (2): 131-259, 34 figs, 2 tabs, 11 pls; Warszawa. [monographic work on foraminifers from the Polish coast and adjacent areas, about ten stations at the eastern margin of our study area; Reophax hoeglundi n. sp., Reophax mankowskii n. sp., Elphidium kozlowskii n. sp.]
  • [4]. Brönnimann, P., Lutze, G. F. & Whittaker, J. E., 1989. Balticammina pseudomacrescens, a new brackish water trochamminid from the western Baltic Sea, with remarks on the wall structure. Meyniana, 41: 167-177, 3 pls; Kiel. [describes Balticammina pseudomacrescens n. sp. from a lagoon of the Kiel Bight]
  • [5]. Debenay, J.-P., Guillou, J.-J., Redois, F. & Geslin, E., 2000. Distribution trends of foraminiferal assemblages in paralic environments : A Base for Using Foraminifera as Bioindicators. In: Martin, R. E. (ed.), Environmental Micropaleontology, Kluwer Academics/Plenum Publishers, New York etc.: 40-67, 8 figs, 2 tabs. [no Baltic Sea]
  • [6]. Frenzel, P., 1993. Faunenverteilung in den Oberflächensedimenten des Greifswalder Boddens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ostrakoden. In: Niedermeyer, R.-O. (ed.), Holozäne Sedimentationsgeschichte und rezente Sedimentdynamik im Bereich der südlichen Arkonasee und benachbarter Boddengewässer. Unpublished research report: 34-41, 4 figs; Greifswald. [short list of foraminifers from surface sediments of a lagoon, later published in Frenzel, 1996]
  • [7]. Frenzel, P., 1996. Rezente Faunenverteilung in den Oberflächensedimenten des Greifswalder Boddens (südliche Ostsee) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ostrakoden. Senckenbergiana maritima, 27 (1/2): 11-31, 9 figs, 3 tabs, 2 pls; Frankfurt am Main. [total associations from surface sediments of a lagoon, distribution]
  • [8]. Frenzel, P., in press: Ostrakoden und Foraminiferen im Strelasund und Kubitzer Bodden. Meer und Museum, 18. 10 pp., 4 figs, 4 pls; Stralsund. [based on Frenzel & Oertel 2002 and two additional stations as well as subfossil material]
  • [9]. Frenzel, P. & Oertel, P., 2002. Die rezenten Ostrakoden und Foraminiferen des Strelasundes. Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beiträge, 11: 23-37, 4 figs, 2 tabs, 1 pl.; Rostock. [total associations from surface sediments, distribution]
  • [10]. Frenzel, P.&Tech, T., 2004. Foraminifers at the autecological limit:Amarine group of protists in low salinity brackish water of the northeastern coast of Germany. 97. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Abstractband: 130; Rostock. [abstract for a poster]
  • [11]. Gerlach, S. A., 2000. Checkliste der Fauna der Kieler Bucht und eine Bibliographie zur Biologie und Ökologie der Kieler Bucht. In: Die Biodiversität in der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee, Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde Koblenz: 376 pp., 2 tabs. [checklist for the Kiel Bight]
  • [12]. Grabert, B., 1971. Zur Eignung von Foraminiferen als Indikatoren für Sandwanderung. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift, 24: 1-14, 8 figs, 2 tables; Hamburg. [redeposition of trochamminids and E. scabra in a lagoon of the Kiel Bight]
  • [13]. Grobe, H. & Fütterer, D., 1981. Zur Fragmentierung benthischer Foraminiferen in der Kieler Bucht (westliche Ostsee). Meyniana, 33: 85-99, 2 figs, 2 pls; Kiel. [test destruction of Cribroelphidium spp. and O. kilianensis from an area in the Kiel Bight]
  • [14]. Haake, F. W., 1967. Zum Jahresgang von Populationen einer Foraminiferen-Art in der westlichen Ostsee. Meyniana, 17: 13-27, 20 figs, 2 pls; Kiel. [population dynamics of C. excavatum from three stations in the Kiel Bight]
  • [15]. Heeger, T., 1988. Virus-like particles and cytopathological effects in Elphidium excavatum clavatum, a benthic foraminiferan. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 4: 233-236; Oldendorf/Luhe. [pathology of a foraminifer from the Kiel Bight]
  • [16]. Heeger, T., 1990. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur Ernährungsbiologie benthischer Foraminiferen. Berichte Sonderforschungsbereich 313 Universität Kiel, 21: 139 pp.; Kiel. [Histological studies on C. excavatum from the Kiel Bight]
  • [17]. Hermelin, J. O., 1987. Distribution of Holocene benthic foraminifera in the Baltic Sea. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 17 (1): 62-73, 7 figs, 2 tabs, 1 plt.; Washington, DC. [Swedish coast only]
  • [18]. Hiltermann, H., 1985. Zur Methodik, Brackwasser-Sedimente zu erkennen und zu unterscheiden. Facies, 12: 243-252, 1 fig., 3 tables; Erlangen. [restudy of results by Rottgardt, 1952, on foraminiferal distribution in estuaries and bays in eastern Schleswig-Holstein]
  • [19]. Jaeckel, S. G. A., 1962. Die Tierwelt der Schlei. Übersicht einer Brackwasserfauna. Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein, 33: 11-32; Kiel. [lists thecamoebians and one foraminifer]
  • [20]. Jarke, J., 1961. Beobachtungen über Kalkauflösung an Schalen von Mikrofossilien in Sedimenten der südlichen Ostsee. Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift, 14: 6-11, 1 plt.; Hamburg. [destruction of foraminiferal tests within sediments of the Kiel Bight]
  • [21]. Kreisel, K.&Leipe, T., 1989. Zum Vorkommen rezenter benthischer Foraminiferen im Greifswalder Bodden. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe, 38 (1-2): 98-104, 1 fig., 1 tab., 3 pls; Greifswald. [total associations from surface sediments of a lagoon, distribution]
  • [22]. Krumbiegel, I., 1928. Notiz über Shepheardella encommatophila, ein neues Foraminifer der Kieler Bucht. Archiv für Protistenkunde, 60: 453-459, 4 figs; Jena. [Shepheardella encommatophila n. sp. from a locality in the Kiel Bight]
  • [23]. Lass, H. U. & Margaard, L., 1996. Wasserstandsschwankungen und Seegang. In: Rheinheimer, G. (ed.). Meereskunde der Ostsee (2nd edition). Springer Berlin etc.: 68-74, 2 figs [no foraminifers]
  • [24]. Lehmann, G., 2000. Vorkommen, Populationsentwicklung, Ursache fleckenhafter Besiedlung und Fortpflanzungsbiologie von Foraminiferen in Salzwiesen und Flachwasser der Nord-und Ostseeküste Schleswig-Holsteins. PhD thesis, University of Kiel: 220 pp., 87 figs, 13 tables, 6 pls; Kiel. [ecology, distribution patterns, population dynamics and reproduction of salt marsh foraminifers from a locality in the Kiel Bight]
  • [25]. Linke, P., 1986. Biomasse und Stoffwechsel-Leistungen benthischer Foraminiferen. Unpublished Diploma thesis, University of Kiel: 110 pp.; Kiel. [physiology of foraminifers from Kiel Bight]
  • [26]. Linke, P., 1989. Lebendbeobachtungen und Untersuchungen des Energiestoffwechsels benthischer Foraminiferen aus dem Europäischen Nordmeer. Berichte aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich 313, Universität Kiel, 18: 123 pp., 18 figs, 17 tabs, 2 pls; Kiel. [physiology and behavour studies on foraminifers from one station in the Kiel Bight]
  • [27]. Linke, P.&Lutze, G. F., 1993. Microhabitat preferences of benthic foraminifera - a static concept or a dynamic adaptation to optimize food acquisition? Marine Micropaleontology, 20: 215-234, 1 fig., 4 plts; Amsterdam. [microhabitats of elphidiids from Kiel Bight]
  • [28]. Lukashina, N., 2000. Stratigraphy of sediments of the Baltic Sea and Kattegat by foraminifers and paleoceanography. Baltica, 13: 3-7, 5 figs; Vilnius. [mentions planktic foraminifers in surface sediments of a core from the Arkona basin]
  • [29]. Lutze, G. F., 1964. Zum Färben rezenter Foraminiferen. Meyniana, 14: 43-47, 1 fig.; Kiel. [staining method for foraminifers with examples from the Kiel Bight]
  • [30]. Lutze, G. F., 1965. Zur Foraminiferen-Fauna in der Ostsee. Meyniana, 15: 75-142, 32 figs, 15 pls [gives an exhaustive overview about foraminifers from the Kiel Bight area and the basins of the central Baltic Sea, dead and living fauna, quantitative data on distribution, taxonomy, ecology]
  • [31]. Lutze, G. F., 1968a. Jahresgang der Foraminiferen-Fauna in der Bottsand-Lagune (westliche Ostsee). Meyniana, 18: 13-31, 21 figs, 1 table, 1 plt.; Kiel. [associations and populations dynamics of foraminifers from a lagoon in the Kiel Bight area]
  • [32]. Lutze, G. F. 1968b. Siedlungs-Strukturen rezenter Foraminiferen. Meyniana, 18: 31-34, 8 figs, 1 table; Kiel. [patchiness of foraminiferal distribution in two areas of the Kiel Bight]
  • [33]. Lutze, G. F., 1974. Foraminiferen der Kieler Bucht (westliche Ostsee): 1. “Hausgartengebiet“ des Sonderforschungsbereiches 95 der Universität Kiel. Meyniana, 26: 9-22, 14 figs; Kiel. [foraminiferal associations and production in an area of the Kiel Bight]
  • [34]. Lutze, G. F., Mackensen, A. & Wefer, G., 1983. Foraminiferen der Kieler Bucht. 2. Salinitätsansprüche von Eggerella scabra (Williamson). Meyniana, 35: 55-65, 6 figs; Kiel. [salinity dependent distribution of E. scabra within the Kiel Bight]
  • [35]. Matthäus, W., 1996a. Temperatur, Salzgehalt und Dichte. In: Rheinheimer, G. (ed.), Meereskunde der Ostsee (2nd edition). Springer Berlin etc.: 75-81, 3 figs [no foraminifers]
  • [36]. Matthäus, W., 1996b. Ozeanographische Besonderheiten. In: Lozán, J. E., Lampe, R., Matthäus, W., Rachor, E., Rumohr, H. & Westernhagen, H. von (eds), Warnsignale aus der Ostsee. Wissenschaftliche Fakten. Parey, Berlin: 17-24, 6 figs [no foraminifers]
  • [37]. Möbius, 1889. Bruchstücke einer Rhizopodenfauna der Kieler Bucht. Physikalische Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1888: 1-31, pl. 5-9; Berlin. [describes foraminifera from Kiel harbour and Kiel Bight; Gromia gracilis n. sp.]
  • [38]. Murray, J. W., 1991. Ecology and Palaeoecology of Benthic Foraminifera. Longman Scientific & Technical, John Wiley&Sons Essex, New York: 379 pp., 124 figs, 121 tables, 4 plts [overview on foraminifer associations from the Baltic Sea based on literature data]
  • [39]. Niedermeyer, R.-O., Werner, F. & Janke, W., 1995. Die heutige Ostsee und ihre südwestliche Küste. In: Duphorn, K., Kliewe, H., Niedermeyer, R.-O., Janke, W. & Werner, F. (eds), Die deutsche Ostseeküste. Sammlung Geologischer Führer, 88, Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart: 51-90, 21 figs, 1 table. [refer to some data of Lutze 1965 and 1974]
  • [40]. Otto, G., 1936. Die Fauna der Enteromorphazone der Kieler Bucht. Kieler Meeresforschungen, 1: 1-48, 19 figs; Kiel. [mentions three foraminiferal species from Entoromorpha of a locality in the Kiel Bight]
  • [41]. Remane, A., 1958. Ökologie des Brackwassers. In: Remane, A. & Schlieper, C., Die Biologie des Brackwassers. Die Binnengewässer, 22, E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Stuttgart: 1-216, 81 figs [refers to data from Rottgardt 1952 on salinity dependent distribution of foraminifers]
  • [42]. Remane, A. & Schlieper, C., 1971. Biology of Brackish Water. Die Binnengewässer, 25, Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Stuttgart: 372 pp., 139 figs, 43 tables. [general remarks on distribtion of foraminifers in the western Baltic Sea]
  • [43]. Resig, J. M., 1965. Untersuchungen zur Kalkauflösung an rezenten Foraminiferen der Ostsee. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Kiel; 72 pp.; Kiel. [test dissolution]
  • [44]. Rhumbler, L., 1928. Amoebozoa et Reticulosa (Foraminifera). Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee, 2 (1). Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Leipzig: 26 pp. [lists all foraminifers known from the Baltic, describes Crithionina heinckei sp. nov.]
  • [45]. Rhumbler, L., 1935. Rhizopoden der Kieler Bucht, gesammelt durch A. Remane, I. Teil. Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein, 21: 143-194, 1 fig., 9 plts; Kiel. [describes foraminifers from the Kiel Bight area and its estuaries, incl. new taxa: Pilalla exigua gen. et sp. nov., Hippocrepinella remanei sp. nov. with some new forms, H. virgulata sp. nov., H. ampullacea sp. nov., Webbinella earlandi sp. nov., Tholosina marginiforata sp. nov., T. centroforata sp. nov., T. bulla appressa f. nov., Psamella frankei gen. et sp. nov. with two new forms, Amphifenestrella wiesneri gen. et sp. nov., Vanhoeffenella gaussi imperfecta forma nov., five new forms of Armorella sphaerica, Saccodendron heronalleni gen. et sp. nov. with two new forms, three new forms of Psammosphaera fusca Schulze, 1875b, Leptodermella nom. nov., Leptodermella turbanica sp. nov., Proteonina longicollis minor f. nov., Rhizammina algaeformis nuda f. nov.]
  • [46]. Rhumbler, L., 1936. Foraminiferen der Kieler Bucht, gesammelt durch A. Remane, II. Teil. Kieler Meeresforschungen, 1: 179-242, 120 figs; Kiel. [describes many foraminiferal taxa from the Kiel Bight, new are three forms of Reophax dentaliniformis, Guttulina spicaeformis baltica forma nov., Parrina bradyi fistulata nom. nov., Glomulina fistulescens sp. nov., Miliammina oblonga sabulosa f. nov., Miliammina fusca subterranea f. nov., Ophthalmina kilianensis gen. et sp. nov. including three new forms, Quinqueloculina subrotunda var. hauerinoides var. nov., Triloculina circularis var. elinguis nom. nov., Triloculina circularis var. linguata nov., Verneuilina scabra inornata f. nov.]
  • [47]. Rhumbler, L., 1940. Amoebozoa et Reticulosa (Foraminifera). In: Grimpe, G. & Wagler, E. (eds), Tierwelt der Nord-und Ostsee, 2 (1). Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Becker & Erler Leipzig: 1-25, 39 figs [reviewed reedition of Rhumbler 1928, lists all foraminifers known from the Baltic]
  • [48]. Richter, W., 1975. Besiedlungsexperimente zur benthischen Karbonatproduktion vor Bokniseck (westliche Ostsee). Unpublished Diploma thesis, University of Kiel: 93 pp.; Kiel. [colonization of substrates by foraminifers in a Kiel Bight locality]
  • [49]. Rottgardt, D., 1952. Mikropaläontologisch wichtige Bestandteile recenter brackischer Sedimente an den Küsten Schleswig-Holsteins. Meyniana, 1: 169-228, 21 figs, 3 pls; Kiel. [foraminiferal distribution in the Kiel Bight and its estuaries, description of associations and foraminiferal species, new taxa are Ammodiscus slesvicus n. sp. and A. rhumbleri n. sp.]
  • [50]. Röttger, R., 1995. Benthische Foraminiferen (Nord- und Ostsee). In: Röttger, R. (ed.), Praktikum der Protozoologie. Gustav Fischer Stuttgart: 100-110, 2 pls [general remarks on foraminiferal species from the western Baltic Sea and methods to study those]
  • [51]. Sahrhage, H., 1915. Über Bodenprotozoen der Kieler Bucht. PhD thesis, University of Kiel: 115 pp., 5 plts; Kiel. [list of foraminifers from the Kiel Bight based on Möbius 1889]
  • [52]. [Saidova, Kh. M.] Саидова, X. М., 1981. Современные биоценозы бентосных фораминифер, стратиграфия и палеогеография голоцена Балтийского моря по фораминиферам [Recent biocenoses of benthic foraminifers, stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Holocene in the Baltic Sea by foraminifers]. In: [Lisitsyn, A. P. & Emelyanov, E. M.] Лисицын, А. П. & Емельянов Е. М. (eds), Осадкообразование в Балтийском море [Sediment formation in the Baltic Sea]. Nauka, Moskva: 215-232, 9 figs [overview on distribution of foraminifers and their associations based on Lutze 1965 and stations from the Pomeranian Bight and the Arkona Basin at the German coast; in Russian]
  • [53]. [Saidova, Kh. M.] Саидова, X. М., 1982. Биоценозы бентосных фораминифер Балтийского моря и условия их захоронения [Biocenoses of benthic foraminifers from the Baltic Sea and their fossilisation]. In: [Zhuze, A.] Жузе, А. (ed.), Морская Микропалеонтология [Marine Micropalaeontology]. Nauka, Moskva: 121-125, 4 figs. [overview on distribution of foraminifers and their associations based on Lutze (1965) and Saidova (1981)]
  • [54]. Schulze, F. E., 1874. Rhizopodenstudien II. Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie, 10: 377-400, plt. 26-27; Bonn. [describes new foraminifers from an estuary at Mecklenburg Bight, Lithocolla globosa nov. gen. et spec. and Actinolophus pedunculatus gen. et sp. n.]
  • [55]. Schulze, F. E., 1875a. Rhizopodenstudien III. Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie, 11: 94-139, plt. 5-7; Bonn. [describes new foraminifers from water sampled probably at and from the Mecklenburg Bight directly: Platoum parvum gen. et sp. n., Pleurophrys compressa nov. spec., P. lageniformis nov. spec., Spiroloculina hyalina nov. spec.]
  • [56]. Schulze, F. E., 1875b. Rhizopoden. Jahresbericht der Commission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel für die Jahre 1872, 1873: 99-114; Berlin. [describes a new foraminifer from the Baltic Sea, Psammosphaera fusca nov. spec.]
  • [57]. Schultze, M. S., 1854. Über den Organismus der Polythalamien (Foraminiferen), nebst Bemerkungen über die Rhizopoden im Allgemeinen. Leipzig Wilhelm Engelmann. [describes Lagynis baltica gen. et sp. n. from the Baltic Sea]
  • [58]. Sick, F., 1933. Die Fauna der Meeresstrandtümpel des Bottsandes (Kieler Bucht). Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Abteilung B, 2: 54-96, 5 figs, 14 tabs; Leipzig. [short list of foraminifers from small brackish water bodies]
  • [59]. Stammer, H. J., 1928. Die Fauna der Ryckmündung, eine Brackwasserstudie. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere, 11 (1/2): 36-101, 15 figs; Berlin. [occurrence of “Nonionia depressula” (probably C. albiumbilicatum) within a small estuary and the lagoon Greifswalder Bodden]
  • [60]. Stuck, S., 1995. Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchung an zwei Vibrokern-Profilen aus dem Seegebiet der prärezenten Oder-Rinne vor Ost-Rügen (Pommersche Bucht). Unpublished students report, University of Greifswald: 32 pp., 1 fig., 23 tabs, 3 pls; Greifswald. [foraminiferal tests from surface sediments of two stations in the Pomeranian Bight]
  • [61]. Wefer, G., 1976a. Umwelt, Produktion und Sedimentation benthischer Foraminiferen in der westlichen Ostsee. Reports Sonderforschungsbereich 95, 14: 103 pp., 31 figs, 26 tabs, 1 pl.; Kiel. [detailed investigation of foraminiferal associations in an area in the Kiel Bight, distribution, microhabitats, ecology, production, preservation]
  • [62]. Wefer, G., 1976b. Environmental effects on growth rates of benthic foraminifera (shallow water, Baltic Sea). Maritime Sediments, special publication, 1 (I st International symposium on Benthonic Foraminifera of Continental Margins, Part A, Ecology and Biology): 39-50, 7 figs; [data on distribution, reproduction, growth and mortality of foraminifers from a locality in the Kiel Bight]
  • [63]. Wefer, G. & Lutze, G. F., 1976. Benthic Foraminifera biomass production in the Western Baltic. Kieler Meeresforschungen, Sonderheft, 3: 76-82, 3 figs, 3 tabs; Kiel. [biomass and production data for foraminifers from an area in the Kiel Bight, differentiated for several species]
  • [64]. Wefer, G. & Lutze, G. F., 1978. Carbonate production by benthic Foraminifera and accumulation in the western Baltic. Limnology and Oceanography, 23: 992-996, 1 fig., 2 tabs; Lawrence, Kansas. [production data for foraminifers from an area in the Kiel Bight]
  • [65]. Wefer, G. & Richter, W., 1976. Colonization of artificial substrates by Foraminifera. Kieler Meeresforschungen, Sonderheft, 3: 72-75, 2 figs; Kiel. [colonization experiment with foraminifers in the Kiel Bight]
  • [66]. Weinholz, P., 1985. Auswertung mikropaläontologischer Datensätze aus der Kieler Bucht. Teil 2. Unpublished diploma thesis, University of Kiel: 99 pp., 32 figs, 2 tabs; Kiel. [overview of foraminiferal distribution in the Kiel Bight area]
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