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Palynology of biogenic sediments of the Eemian Interglacial at Bieganin near Kalisz, Central Poland

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The paper presents palynological data from Bieganin, a village located near Kalisz, Central Poland, where organic sediments were deposited in a subglacial trough dating from the Wartanian Glaciation. The succession of vegetation is characteristic of the Eemian Interglacial. The pollen diagram indicates six local pollen assemblages: B1-Pinus-Betula, B2-Betula-Pinus-Ulmus, B3-Quercus-Corylus, B4 -Corylus, B5-Carpinus-Tilia-Polypodiaceae, B6-Pinus-Picea which correlate well with regional pollen assemblages obtained by Mamakowa (1989b) and Tobolski (1991). The plant succession in Bieganin started in the beginning of the Eemian (zone E1) and ended with the development of coniferous forest (zone E6). The profile does not include the final zone, E7, of the interglacial.
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Bibliogr. 24 poz., rys., tab.
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