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The maximum ice sheet limit of the Vistulian Glaciation in northeastern Poland and neighbouring areas

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This paper outlines a new approach to reconstructing Vistulian ice sheet limits in NE Poland and adjacent areas of Lithuania and Belarus. It is based on geological investigations of landforms and deposits either of a hypothetical boundary to the Vistulian ice sheet limits. The main conclusions are: 1 - the area was covered twice by the Vistulian ice sheet; the first time during the Świecie Stadial (67-50 ka BP) and the second time during the Main Stadial (24-12 ka BP); 2 - the limit of the older stadial was farther to the south a that of the younger one; 3 - due to covering of the Eemian sediments by the ice sheet of the Świecie Stadial the limit of the Vistulian Glaciation has moved about 15-20 km southwards.
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Bibliogr. 161 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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