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The chronostratygraphically important Quaternary buried peats from the site "Fili Park" (located on the territory of Moscow) on the Russian Plain were studied by the methods of uranium-thorium dating (UTD) and palynological analysis. The deposits under study were the subject of intense debate: some number of the palynologists assigned ones to the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial, while the another investigators - to the Odintzovo Interglacial (Middle Pleistocene). Detailed palynological study gave the possibility to mark out the 3 palynozones (M2, M3 and M4) in section vertical profile and refer the deposits to the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial. The uranium-thorium dating (by "leachate alone" method) was carried out in the middle layers, which would be expected to be a closed system in respect to uranium and thorium isotopes. The direct uranium-thorium dating of inner layers showed the first UTD ages from 78.9 to 105.0 ka for deposits from the site "Fili Park". The corrected uranium-thorium age of buried peat turned out to be younger than the currently adopted boundaries of the last Interglacial (116-128 ka) and comprised 89š11 ka. There was probably an additional post-deposition uranium uptake in the internal section layers that in general have led to an underestimated age value. Nevertheless, we refered these questionable in chronostratigraphic respect deposits to the Mikulino Interlacial. The geochronological data obtained were compared with the uranium-thorium dating results (113š11 ka) for the closed geochemical samples from the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial peats of the stratotypical section "Mikulino" (Russian Plain). This comparison confirmed the reliability of our conclusions.
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Bibliogr. 23 poz., rys., tab.
- Geographical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University, Sredny Prospect 41, 199 004 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Geographical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University, Sredny Prospect 41, 199 004 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky Str. 7, Moscow, Russia
- Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky Str. 7, Moscow, Russia
- Geographical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University, Sredny Prospect 41, 199 004 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Geographical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University, Sredny Prospect 41, 199 004 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Geographical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University, Sredny Prospect 41, 199 004 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
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