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The method of combining radiocarbon dates and other information in application to study the chronologies of archaeological sites

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The Bayesian theorem provides mathematical base for probabilistic calibration of radiocarbon dates, but it is also a base for more sophisticated analysis - combining of probability distribution of calibrated radiocarbon dates with information from other sources – for example stratigraphic information or dates obtained by a method differ than radiocarbon dating. This paper presents three examples of using the method of combining radiocarbon and other information to study the chronologies of archaeological sites. The first example concerns the Inca State chronology and is an attempt to define the time intervals of Inca Imperial Phase and Inca Preimperial Phase accurately. The second refers to the settlement in Wolin and allows to assign the chronology to cultural layers excavated in Trench 6, Site 1 located in central part of settlement and to precise obtained results. The last example concerns South American site - Maucallcta and is a case, when application of the method does not give results because of ambiguity of stratigraphic information.
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Bibliogr. 10 poz., tab. wykr.
  • Department of Radioisotopes, Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology, Krzywoustego 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  • Department of Radioisotopes, Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology, Krzywoustego 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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  • 7. Michczyński A., Olko J., Pazdur A. and Ziółkowski M., 2000: The first attempt to establish the chronology of Maucallacta site (Peru) – poster presentation. 17th International Radiocarbon Conferenc, Israel 2000.
  • 8. Pazdur M.F., Awsiuk R., Goslar T. and Pazdur A., 1994: Chronologia radiowęglowa początków osadnictwa w Wolinie i żeglugi u ujścia Odry (Radiocarbon chronology of the Wolin settlement and navigation at the mouth of Odra river). Geochronometria 9: 127-195.
  • 9. Steier P. and Rom W., 2000: The use of Bayesian statistic for 14C dates of chronologically ordered samples: a critical analysis. Radiocarbon 42(2): 183-198.
  • 10. Ziółkowski M.S., Franco L.A.B., Avendano M.N., Piasecki K., Belmonte J.A.E. and Michczyński A., 1999: Skala kulturowochronologiczna dla Południowych Andów Peruwiańskich (IIXV w.n.e): Churajón - Condesuyos (1996-1998) (The culturalchronologic scale for South Peruvian Andes (II-XV century AD: Churajón - Condesuyos (1996-1998)). Raport z realizacji projektu badawczego KBN Nr 1 HO1G 056 10.
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