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Weak-sequential compactness on non-locally convex Orlicz spaces

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Let [L^fi] be an Orlicz space defined by a finite valued Orlicz function [fi] (not necesarilly convex) over a [sigma]-finite atomless measure space. Let (L^fi[...] be the order continous dual of [L^fi]. It is proved that a subset Z of [L^fi] is conditionally sequentially sigma([L^fi],(L^fi])[...)-compact (i.e., every sequence in Z contains a sigma([L^[fi],(L^fi])[...])-Cauchy subsequence) if and only if Z is norm bounded in some Orlicz space [L^psi] where psi increases more rapidly than [...] (the convex minorant of fi).
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 16 poz.,
  • Institute of Mathematics, T. Kotarbiński Pedagogical University, Pl. Słowiański 9, 65-069 Zielona Góra, Poland
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