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Convergence of Picard iterates of nonexpansive mappings

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Let X be a Banach space, C a closed subset of X, and T : C --> C a nonexpansive mapping. Conditions are given which assure that if the fixed point set F(T) of T has nonempty interior then the Picard iterates of the mapping T always converge to a point of F(T). If T is asymptotically regular, it suffices to assume that the closed subsets of X are densely proximinal and that nested spheres in X have compact interfaces. Such spaces include, among others, those which have Rolewicz's property ([beta]). If X has strictly convex norm the asymptotic regularity assumption can be dropped and the nested sphere property holds trivially. Consequently the result holds for all reflexive locally uniformly convex spaces.
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Bibliogr. 15 poz.
  • Department of Mathematics, University Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1419 USA (WAK)
  • Department of Mathematics, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Nsw 2308, AusTralia (BS)
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