Warianty tytułu
Technical aspects of editing and using geospatial information services
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono techniki i narzędzia udostępniania informacji geograficznej w Internecie oraz możliwości jej wykorzystania przez użytkowników. Szczególną rolę odgrywają obecnie serwisy geoinformacyjne, które dostarczają szeroki wachlarz danych i usług wykorzystywanych do lokalizowania obiektów, nawigacji, a także do redagowania własnych opracowań kartograficznych. Rozwój darmowych i intuicyjnych aplikacji użytkownika popularyzuje informację geograficzną i ułatwia wykonywanie zadań zarezerwowanych dotychczas wyłącznie dla kartografów.
In the last several years, due to the development of technologies of accessing the Internet databases, the number of users of geospatial information has risen significantly. Most of them are map users. The article presents the characteristic features of geospatial information services, aspects of their design and implementation, but also looks at them from the point of view of their users. The key issue - the standards of spatial data modeling, exchange and publication - is discussed on the examples of the most popular applications of XML meta language, such as GML.WMS and WFS, KML and SVG. Additionally, two of the most popular formats, PDF and Flash, are shown to complement the range of options of online map publication. The process of developing of a geospatial information service is discussed on two examples: using commercial software or using open source software, both applied to build a system granting online access to geographical data. Major advantages and draw-backs of both solutions are presented. Despite significant differences in construction and management of map servers, the stage of editing of cartographic presentation remains essential in both cases - it has to consider cartographic methodology and the rules of website design. Easy access to software and hardware makes the Internet more and more common, and it is crucial to modify service functions for potential users. The tools which can be used range from professional GIS applications, to free geo-browsers and standard Web browsers. Applications become more functional, enabling laymen to perform tasks which until now have been reserved for cartographers. It raises a question of the place and role of cartography in geoinformation technology in wider sense. This is becoming more important at the time of the second generation network, which changes the Internet into an open community medium, to be created or modified by any user.
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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