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Internet Atlas of cartographic methods
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W artykule przedstawiono internetowy Atlas metod kartograficznych, skierowany do tych, którzy chcą poznać podstawowe zasady redagowania map statystycznych. Autorzy podjęli się analizy pięciu ilościowych metod prezentacji kartograficznej, próbując przedstawić użytkownikowi najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z ich stosowaniem i interpretacją.
The free and all accessible Atlas of cartographic methods has been available on the Internet at www. educarto.pl since May 2012. The atlas was elaborated by the staff of the Department of Cartography of Warsaw University in 2010-2012. Growth of computer technologies has made it possible for everyone to author a map - especially a statistical one. Thus has appeared the need to prepare and make accessible to wider public a more elaborate guide than just a handbook or a set of instructions on how to run the program. The Atlas has been made to cater to the needs of those interested in learning basic rules of statistical map editing, so - of geography students, experts in spatial economy and environmental protection, surveyors. It is educational in character and aimed at showing quantitative methods and forms of cartographic presentation and focusing attention on map interpretation. It presents five quantitative forms and methods of presentation: diagram map, choropleth map, isoline map, dot map and quantitative symbols. The Atlas of cartographic methods is composed of two main parts (Fig. 1). The first part contains three 'chapters' of texts while the second - maps along with short commentaries. The first chapter is an elaboration entitled 'From the history of presentation forms and methods' and is illustrated with old maps. The second one - 'From data to map' - describes the process of editing a statistical map. It deals with data features and the possibilities of their transformation to fulfill the requirements of a specific presentation: - method of data reference (to points, area or line), data character (absolute, relative), method of showing data (continuous, discrete). The third chapter is entitled 'Methods step by step'. Its aim is to acquaint users with basic characteristics of the five forms of cartographic presentation. The second part of the atlas - 'Maps' - is a dynamic internet application and interactive environment for generating atlas full scale drawings. The application was programmed in PHP and is linked to MySQL database. The application's interface design was aimed to support the demonstrativeness of the Atlas - available functions have been limited to a minimum. The GUS (Central Statistical Office) Bank of Local Data resources (www.stat.gov.pl) served as material for elaborating maps in the Atlas. For elaborating a part of the Atlas full scale drawings an earlier prepared group of raster images was used. They were put on the server and shown in accordance with the parameters selected by the user. The remaining full scale drawings were created in a more complex way. Here applications programmed in PHP play an essential part. They process spatial and attribute data and display an automatically created map together with legend. The internet Atlas of cartographic methods can be treated as the first stage of a wider elaboration including all basic forms and methods of presentation.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 16 poz.
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