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Interactive functions of electronic atlases
Języki publikacji
W artykule dokonano przeglądu interaktywnych funkcji wizualizacji danych geograficznych występujących w atlasach elektronicznych. Po ogólnym scharakteryzowaniu pojęcia atlasu elektronicznego dokonano klasyfikacji funkcji atlasów pozwalających na interakcję z użytkownikiem, opierając się na rozróżnieniu rodzaju informacji uzyskiwanych z ich zastosowaniem.
Electrinoc atlases constitute a fairly new form of cartographic publications. Although the term "Electronic Atlas" appeared in print as early as in 1984 (E. Sielierska), it was not until the early 1990s that first general reference electronic atlases appeared on the market (R.M.Smith 1999). It can be easily noticed that functions included in atlases of this kind require rethinking the concepts of thematic structure, scale and relationships between different elements of the atlas. In an earlier paper (M. Okonek 1997) the concepts of scale and thematic structure of cartographic presentation in electronic atlases were discussed. The intention of this one is to provide a systematic analysis and a classification of interactive features included in such publications. While there have been a few papers devoted to the classification of electronic atlases published to date, most of these seem not to notice the shift in the way that printed and electronic atlases function. Basing on the type of information resulting from the use of the particular interactive features, we propose to discern the following classes of functions: - Navigation. This class of functions enables the atlas unser to move through the maps of an atlas and to customize the atlas content. These functions can be further subdivided into sub-categories. The user can navigate through space (scrolling), time, scale (zooming), map themes (layer selection) or evenforms of cartographic presentation. - Identification. The goal of functions included in this category is to identify names and to provide additional information on objects included in maps. - Orientation. these functions inform the user of this current location on a map and provide directions. These features are most often used in various route planning software packages. - Measurement. Projected to calculate a desired distance/surface on maps. - Analytical Functions. Functions in this class are designed to transform the cartographic representations in electronic atlases into certain derivative products (e.G.a DTM derived from a contour map) - Communication. Function included here are responsible for communicating with the external systems. The examples of such function may include data expost, printing or download.
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Bibliogr. 29 poz., rys., tab.
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