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Certain aspects of the concept and preparation of the Atlas of the Republic of Poland
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Po przypomnieniu historii powstania Atlasu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, autorzy przedstawiają organizację prac nad atlasem, głównie założenia jego koncepcji oraz zakresu i strukturę treści, a w zakończeniu zwracają uwagę na publikację dzieła, założonego jako wydawnictwo permanentne.
The National Atlas of Poland published in the years 1973-1978 was a very successful project in the Polish society, which can be reflected by the total number of copies sold 46,000. The interest shown in the atlas, as well as the need to present the political and economic changes in Poland in the 70s, impelled the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish academy of Science to initiate a project aiming at the elaboration of a new atlas of this kind. The preliminary stage of this project started as early as in 1979, however it took a nex few years of preparation and negotiations, before the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Science and the State Cartographic Publishing House signed the contract in 1986, stating that the new national atlas (Atlas of the People's Republic of Poland) will be jointly prepared and put out by these organizations. This is when the editorial process started. The aim was to publish an atlas consisting of 9 thematic volumes containing about 20 map sheets each. The atlas was projected to be completed in 1994 - to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the People's Republic of Poland. The reorganization of the national mapping service, as well as some financial shortages resulted in the fact that the project was suspended in the late 1980s. However, after the post-1989 political transformation in Poland, the idea of preparing a new national atlas showing the country on the threshold of a new era was soon revived. The Surveyor General of Poland recognized the publication of this atlas as one of the main tasks of the national mapping service. As a result, the project was re-launched, however with a modified concept. It was decided that the Atlas of the Republic of Poland would consist of a single volume containing 4 thematic parts put out successively in several series. A new 39-member Scientific Council headed by Jerzy Kondracki was elected. Also, the project was reorganized. The General Surveyor of Poland took over the editor's duties, the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Science took over the responsibility over the map preparation, whereas the Polish Cartographic Publishing House (State Cartographic Publishing House before 1992) was responsible for technical preparation and printing. This was confirmed by a new agreement signed in July 1992. The Atlas of the Republic of Poland project was completed in April 1998, when the final fifth map folio was published. It also contained a book with the indexes of maps and geographic names. The total of 158 separate map sheets were published, each printed in 20,000 copies. These map sheets consisted of 912 maps and 192 diagrams, contributed by 164 authors. A serious technological revolution took place during the time the atlas was prepared. It was started when maps engraving and manual color separation ware the standard procedures and ended when the computer-assisted map production process was becoming a widely recognized standard. The first two parts of the atlas were prepared traditionally, whereas the 89 per cent of the 3rd and 4th was prepared digitally. The final concept of the atlas content, graphic design and the editorial form of the atlas was designed to meet the needs of its users. Therefore, the atlas is a collection of separate map sheets published in a portfolio. The aim is to prepare a permanently up-to-dated and developed atlas, instead of preparing separate revised editions. It is planned to publish additional separate map sheets - both devoted to new topics and as updates of the previously published ones. The first additional sheets containing the new administrative division were printed in 1999. The atlas has the following thematic structure: The first, introductory part Country - Territory - Organization (29 map sheets) consists of The maps presenting the territorial aspect of the Polish lands (general reference maps, including a 6-sheet 1:500,000 scale map) and also a number of historical and administrative ones. The second part of the atlas - Natural Environmenr (41 map sheets) contains information on: geology, relief, hydrography, climate, plants and animals and also contains a section devoted to the environment protection. The third part - Society (43 map sheets) contains information on population, its development, distribution, structure, and migrations. It also contains a section on urban and rural settlement. A large number of maps is devoted to the social issues: standard of living, education, culture, health service, leisure and social activities." The final, fourth part - Economy (45 map sheets) consists of a series of maps devoted to the particular sections of country's economy: agriculture and forestry, construction, industry, transportation, services. It also includes a synthetic map presenting the transformations of the economy. This part proved to be particularly difficult to prepare, due to the lack of up-to-date sources. The basic stage of the atlas was completed in 1998. However, the Polish cartographers must now set themselves some new goals: prepare new, supplementary sheets as well as modern electronic atlas. The latter however requires a different approach to data presetation. This project has already been initiated, and it will undoubtedly benefit from the experience gained during the preparation of the printed Atlas of the Republic of Poland.
Słowa kluczowe
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Bibliogr. 19 poz., rys., tab.
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