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Kartograficzne sposoby prezentowania dynamiki zjawisk

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Cartographic presentation methods of dynamic phenomena
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Artykuł jest próbą kartograficznego spojrzenia na zjawiska zmienne w czasie. Autor prezentuje podział dynamiki w ujęciu kartograficznym oraz daje przegląd sposobów jej przedstawiania na pomocą tradycyjnych map statystycznych. Omówiono także zalety i wady poszczególnych sposobów prezentowania zmian ma mapach.
Presentation of dynamic phenomena on maps is one of the more difficult cartographic tasks, because it has to consider an additional factor, which is time. As a result the autor has to limit four-dimensional time-space into two dimentions. From a cartographic point of view, the dynamics of phenomena can be divided into three main types. The first type deals with movement of objects, e.g. transport of goods, human migrations, changing range of crops, etc. Insuch cases we speak of dynamics of position or movement. The second type we observe when the change concerns only quantity, or character of a given phenomenon, without altering its position. For example the decrease of factory's output, increase of population or degradation of soil fall into that category. In such cases we speak of the dynamics of state, or the dynamics of development. Dynamic phenomena can also fall into a third category; a complex from combining dynamics of position with dynamics of state. Each of the above types needs a different cartographic method of presentation. It is relatively easiest to show the dynamics of position, becouse graphic symbols depicting the object in time are located in different places. Presentation of the dynamics of state is more difficult. Cartographic methods of presentation can be divided into two main types: direct and indirect presentations. Direct presentation can be used only if a cinematographic or computer technique is applied for the creation of films or cartographic animations. Indirect (static) presentations of dynamics can take the form of map series, multi-phase maps, balance maps and synthetic maps of types (Fig. 1), Series are a combination of many maps presenting the same phenomenon in various points in time (Fig. 2). With map series the evaluation of changes can only be done mentally, in the mind of the reader. This asks for a lot of practice and good perception. Therefore any conclusions resultat from the analysiss of map series are usually subjective. Multi-phase maps make the change analysis much easier and more objective (Fig. 3). There are, however, many problems in the process of their elaboration. The main difficulty lies in a high level of generalization, which is necessary for presentation of data concerning several, often more than ten time levels. Unlike map series and multi-phase maps, balance maps do not present movement or development, but only the results of changes (Fig. 4). It is achieved through limiting the number of time levels to two: the initial and the final. Balance maps are relatively the easiest way to present dynamics, because their preparation and perception is similar to typical maps, which show static picture of phenomena. The only difference is on the level of symbols used in the preparation. Maps of types are a different method of dynamics' presentation (Fig. 5). They make it possible to present both changes and their results, taking into account many time levels. Their graphic form is usually clear, but because of complex definitions of specific types of dynamics they are often very difficult to analyze. Presentation of dynamic phenomena on maps is still one of the underdeveloped domains in cartography, although there is major, and growing demand for it.
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