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Generalizacja map numerycznych - koncepcje i narzędzia. Cz. 1

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Development of general economic maps in school geographical atlases until the end of 19th century. Part 1
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W artykule omówiono najnowsze poglądy i podejścia teoretyczne do generalizacji komputerowej. Na tym tle przedstawiono modele tego procesu oraz stosowane obecnie algorytmy i operatory, stanowiące składniki wiedzy proceduralnej systemów komputerowych służące do generalizacji map.
The paper presents selected issues in automatic generalization, particularly in producing medium-scale maps from large-scale maps. The first part describes the development of ideas and research directions in generalization, as well as selected models of generalization. Due to the subjective nature of generalization, directly applying the traditional (manual) techniques of map generalization to computer systems is not possible. It is nessesary to use artificial intelligence methods and to formulate the problems from the standpoints of computer systems (R.B. McMaster 1991), such as the operators and alorithms for generalization, and the correctness crriteria. So far the attemps at automatic generalization have been limited to imitating the traditional approach. These focused on the geometric aspects of generalization of the separate map elements, mainly lines and points. However, most algorithms simplify all lines in the same way, and the total result is not as good as good as what is achieved using traditional methods (W. Tobler 1964, D.H. Douglas and T.K. Peucker 1973, D.M. Brophy 1973). Also the 'root law' of F. Topfer (1979) used in selecting map elements, ignores the specific features of elements. Less of a problem is qualitative generalization, i.e. the process of grouping the low level features into a feature of higher level. But here, too, some fundamental understanding of the characteristics of the domain and the related classification methods, is required. Recently, many researches have been trying to construct a computer system for map generalization at various scales and map contents, that would consider both qualitative and quantitative aspects of generalization (B.G. Nickerson, K.S. Shea 1992). They are based on a holistic approach to generalization and consider the following three aspects: 1) generalization models as the theoretical foundation for digital generalization, 2) processes and operators for generalization, 3) cartographic knowledge, encoded as rules. The models of generalization define the components of the process and relations between them. Among the most important models, developed from the point of view of computer systems are the models of: B.G. Nickerson and H. Freeman (1986), R.B. McMaster and K.S. Shea (1992), K. Brassel and R. Weibel (1988) as well as B. Powitz (1990), presented in the first part of the paper. An important aspect of those models are the operators and generalization knowledge which will be discussed in the second part of the paper.
Opis fizyczny
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