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Teoria ocen a ocena map

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The theory of evaluating and the evaluation of maps
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Artykuł poświęcony jest teorii ocen w nawiązaniu do ocen opracowań kartograficznych. Po przedstawieniu istoty problemu oraz znaczenia oceny map w teorii i praktyce kartograficznej, wyjaśniono podstawowe pojęcia związane z teorią ocen, dokonano klasyfikacji ocen oraz omówiono etapy procesu oceny map. Artykuł stanowi wstęp do kolejnej publikacji związanej bezpośrednio z problematyką oceny map.
A rapid increase of the number of maps and atlases published nowodays in the world forces the potential map users to choose the best possible publications. These choices are often associated with the evaluation of maps. The cartographic publications are evaluated not only by their users, but also the mapmakers during the whole process of compilation of new maps. Also, maps are evaluated during the analyses of cartographic market. The word 'evaluation' stands for 'the calculation or judgment of the value or degree of'. According to R. Wawrzyńczak (1981, 1983) the process of evaluating consists in assigning the value to certain object, based on particular criteria. The process of evaluating is inseparably associated with the notion 'value'. The term 'value' designates the feature, or a set of features typical of a given objrct. The science dealing with values is called aksjology. It deals most of all with the ethical and aesthetic values, whereas the utilitarian evaluation is the subject of praxiology. It is the praxiological aspect of evaluation that is most adequate to cartography (W. Ostrowski 1979). In the process of evaluating, we also quite often deal with the term 'quality'. In praxiology the term 'quality' stands for the set of features of a product, most often associated with the evaluation (e.g. good or poor quality). Such an evaluation could be passed, among others, considering the already existing pattern (T. Pszczołowski 1978). The estimates can be classed using the kind of approval or disapproval. Using such a criterion, two basic kinds of estimates can be distinguished: - emotional (adequate, absolute), - utilitarian (instrumental, relative, practical) (T. Pszczołowski 1967, R. Wawrzyńczak 1981, T. Kotarbiński 1982, 1990). The emotional estimates express the emotional attitude toward a certain object. They can be further subdivided into the aesthetic and ethical ones. In cartography we often deal with the aesthetic estimates, chiefly when evaluating the map form. The utilitarian estimates state if a object is adequate (or not) to something, necessary or unnecessary, serviceable or harmful. The utilitarian estimates can also be divided into instrumental - pertaining to objects, and technical - pertaining to human activities and the working of machines etc. An estimate is the outcome of the conscious acts leading to the passing of judgment on the value of an object. These acts as a whole form the process of evaluation. Basing on the opinions presented in this paper, and taking into account the specificity of evaluated objects (maps and atlases in cartography), the following stages of the process of evaluating can be distinguished: - selection of the object and the aim of evaluation, - selection of the evaluating criteria, - selection of the evaluating techniques, - presentation and verifying of the evaluation outcome. The paper presents the characteristics of individual stages of the evaluating process with special regard to evaluation of maps. ‹D$8]_‰0
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Bibliogr. 24 poz.
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