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Hydrocarbon contaminated soil treated by bioremediation technology: microbiological and toxicological preliminary findings

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Soil contamination is a significant factor in the general degradation of the environment. Remedial intervention on contaminated soils may be carried out bymeans of specific and different technologies, including chemical, physical and biological methodologies. Of these, the latter are the least invasive and bioremediation intervention can be carried out both in situ and ex situ. The object of this study was a clay soil highly contaminated by heavy hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The soil was subjected to remediation treatment using a bioremediation technique, applied by inoculating a nutritive and enzymatic-bacterial mixture. A qualitative-quantitative microbial characterization of the soil matrix was undertaken, both before, and thirty days after, the treatment. The percentage abatement in hydrocarbon concentration and the overallmicrobial concentration present in the soil were measured, and the eco-toxicological impact was estimated. The eco-toxicological aspect was assessed by applying the ostracod test and the phytotoxicity test. The microbial component was estimated by the Direct Count method on plates: this method highlighted the vital countable cells of telluric and degrader mesophilic bacteria, of the Pseudomonadaceae, of the actinomycetes and total mycetes (moulds and yeasts). This study was focused on evaluating biological remedial technology combining chemical analysis with microbiological assessment and bioassays, because chemical analysis alone cannot provide a full picture of the bioremediation process and its effectiveness. The data obtained indicated that the bioremediation technique applied gave optimal results in terms of percentage abatement of the hydrocarbon concentration, microbial enrichment of the soil matrix and reduction of toxicity found in the soil before the clean-up treatment.
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