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Treatment and distribution of water in commune Praszka in years 1984-1998
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W artykule przedstawiono sposób uzdatniania wody głębinowej oraz jej dystrybucję w latach 1984-1998. Woda surowa jest napowietrzana, filtrowana na złożu żwirowym, a następnie kierowana na złoże hydrocleanitu w celu podwyższenia jej twardości. Woda po dezynfekcji jest kierowana do zbiorników retencyjnych, a potem do sieci wodociągowej. Odbiorcami wody jest ludność zamieszkała w Praszce i sąsiednich wsiach oraz zakłady przemysłowe zlokalizowane na terenie gminy. Od roku 1991 zużycie wody przez przemysł oraz ludność zamieszkałą w Praszce stale maleje, co związane jest z oszczędnym jej zużyciem. Natomiast na wsiach zużycie wody zwiększa się w wyniku rozbudowy sieci wodociągowej. Całkowite zużycie wody w omawianym okresie zmalało dwukrotnie.
In this paper conditioning and distribution of groundwater in commune Praszka in years 1984-1998 were presented. The main water intake is localized in Kowale, where also is situated the water purification plant. The water treatment process is carried on with a typical technology for deep-water. The raw water is exploited from two water-bearing levels, from depths of 60 and 200 m. There are three wells on each water-bearing level. The raw water is characterised by high concentration of iron compounds. The water is soft and corrosive. The composition of analysed water was on the constant level. The raw water is aerationed, filtered on the gravelly deposit and then directed to the HYDROCLEANIT deposit. HYDROCLEANIT is the alkaline deposit, produced from dolomite, and it is consisted of calcium and magnesium oxides. The water is disinfected by sodium hypochlorite, with dose of 0.3 mgdj/dm3. After disinfection the water goes to the storage reservoir, and then to the water-pipe network. Users of the water are people living in Praszka and neighbouring villages and industry. The physico-chemical analyses of raw water showed that the water purification plant worked good during described period of time, according to Polish standards on drinking water quality. It was found that HYDROCLEANIT increases pH and concentration of calcium and magnesium in drinking water. It also caused removing of iron, manganese and aggressive carbon dioxide. The consumption of water in commune Praszka was changing during a period of fifteen years. In years 1984-1990 consumption of water was very high and was characterized by tendency to constant growing. Consumption of water achieved the highest level (1108 thousand m3/year) in 1990. However, some years later, in 1998 it was two times smaller and achieved 539 thousand m3/year. The consumption of water in the commune was stable in the years 1993-1998. Percentage portion of industry in the total consumption decreased from 50% in 1984 to 18.5% in 1998. Decreasing of water consumption by industry at described period was caused by more rational using of the water. Another situation was observed in villages where water consumption increased from 35 thousand m3/year to 145 thousand m3/year. It was caused by development of the water-pipe network. The data show that consumption of water in commune Praszka decreased during 1984--1998 years. The greatest influence on water consumption had installation of water-meters and changing the water management by industry. Although the consumption of water systematically has increased since 1990 in the country, the total consumption has still decreased.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz., rys., tab.
- Politechnika Częstochowska, Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska, 42-200 Częstochowa, ul. Brzeźnicka 60a
- Politechnika Częstochowska, Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska, 42-200 Częstochowa, ul. Brzeźnicka 60a
- PPU „GOŚKOM" Sp. z o.o., 46-320 Praszka, ul. Powstańców Śl. 23
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